doc / ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions / IAssertion


interface IAssertion (source)

The base interface of all assertions, providing the method holds.


holds abstract fun holds(): Boolean

Indicates whether the assertion holds or not.


IAssertionGroup interface IAssertionGroup : IAssertion

The base interface for IAssertion groups, providing a default implementation for IAssertion.holds which returns true if all its assertions hold.

IFeatureAssertionGroup interface IFeatureAssertionGroup : IAssertion

The base interface for feature IAssertion groups, providing a default implementation for IAssertion.holds which returns true if all its assertions hold.

IMultiMessageAssertion interface IMultiMessageAssertion : IAssertion

The base interface for IAssertions which have multiple Messages.

IOneMessageAssertion interface IOneMessageAssertion : IAssertion

The base interface for IAssertions which have one Message.