doc / ch.tutteli.atrium / IAtriumFactory


interface IAtriumFactory

The minimum contract of the 'abstract factory' of atrium.

It is extended with the following extension functions defined in the atrium-api (in the same file as this interface):

It provides factory methods to create:



open fun <T : Any> newCheckImmediately(assertionVerb: ITranslatable, subject: T, reporter: IReporter): IAssertionPlant<T>
open fun <T : Any> newCheckImmediately(assertionVerb: ITranslatable, subject: T, assertionChecker: IAssertionChecker): IAssertionPlant<T>
abstract fun <T : Any> newCheckImmediately(commonFields: CommonFields<T>): IAssertionPlant<T>

Creates an IAssertionPlant which immediately checks added IAssertions.


open fun <T : Any> newCheckLazily(assertionVerb: ITranslatable, subject: T, reporter: IReporter): IAssertionPlant<T>
open fun <T : Any> newCheckLazily(assertionVerb: ITranslatable, subject: T, assertionChecker: IAssertionChecker): IAssertionPlant<T>
abstract fun <T : Any> newCheckLazily(commonFields: CommonFields<T>): IAssertionPlant<T>

Creates an IAssertionPlant which does not check the created or added IAssertions until one calls IAssertionPlant.checkAssertions.


abstract fun newDetailedObjectFormatter(translator: ITranslator): IObjectFormatter

Creates an IObjectFormatter which represents objects by using their Object.toString representation including and their System.identityHashCode.


abstract fun <TSub : T, T : Any> newDownCastBuilder(description: ITranslatable, subType: KClass<TSub>, commonFields: CommonFields<T?>): IDownCastBuilder<T, TSub>

n Use the extension function ch.tutteli.atrium.newDownCastBuilder with reified type parameter whenever possible.


abstract fun <T : Any> newFeatureAssertionChecker(subjectPlant: IAssertionPlant<T>): IAssertionChecker

Creates an IAssertionChecker which creates IFeatureAssertionGroup instead of checking assertions and delegates this task to the given subjectPlant by adding (see IAssertionPlant.addAssertion the created IFeatureAssertionGroup to it.


abstract fun newMethodCallFormatter(): IMethodCallFormatter

Creates an IMethodCallFormatter which represents arguments of a method call by using their Object.toString representation with the exception of:


open fun <T> newNullable(assertionVerb: ITranslatable, subject: T, reporter: IReporter): IAssertionPlantNullable<T>
open fun <T> newNullable(assertionVerb: ITranslatable, subject: T, assertionChecker: IAssertionChecker): IAssertionPlantNullable<T>
abstract fun <T> newNullable(commonFields: CommonFields<T>): IAssertionPlantNullable<T>

Creates an IAssertionPlantNullable.


abstract fun newOnlyFailureReporter(assertionFormatter: IAssertionFormatter): IReporter

Creates an IReporter which reports only failing assertions and uses the given assertionFormatter to format assertions and messages.


abstract fun newSameLineAssertionFormatter(objectFormatter: IObjectFormatter, translator: ITranslator): IAssertionFormatter

Creates an IAssertionFormatter which puts messages of the form 'a: b' on the same line.


abstract fun newThrowingAssertionChecker(reporter: IReporter): IAssertionChecker

Creates an IAssertionChecker which throws AssertionErrors in case an assertion fails and uses the given reporter for reporting.


abstract fun newTranslator(translationSupplier: ITranslationSupplier, primaryLocale: Locale, vararg fallbackLocales: Locale): ITranslator

Creates an ITranslator which translates ITranslatables to primaryLocale and falls back to fallbackLocales (in the given order) in case no translation exists for primaryLocale.

Extension Functions


fun <T : Any> IAtriumFactory.newCheckLazilyAtTheEnd(assertionVerb: ITranslatable, subject: T, reporter: IReporter, createAssertions: IAssertionPlant<T>.() -> Unit): IAssertionPlant<T>

Use this function to create a custom assertion verb which lazy evaluates assertions (see IAtriumFactory.newCheckLazily).


fun <TSub : T, T : Any> IAtriumFactory.newDownCastBuilder(description: ITranslatable, commonFields: CommonFields<T?>): IDownCastBuilder<T, TSub>

Prepares a down cast; use IDownCastBuilder.cast to perform the down cast.



object AtriumFactory : IAtriumFactory

A dummy implementation of IAtriumFactory which should be replaced by an actual implementation.