doc / / CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder


abstract class CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<out T : CharSequence, S : ISearchBehaviour> : ContainsCheckerBuilder<T, S, IChecker, CharSequenceContainsBuilder<T, S>>

The base class for builders which create ICheckers within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion which was started with the given containsBuilder.


T - The input type of the search. S - The search behaviour which should be applied for the input of the search.



CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder(containsBuilder: CharSequenceContainsBuilder<T, S>)

The base class for builders which create ICheckers within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion which was started with the given containsBuilder.

Inherited Properties


abstract val checkers: List<C>

Contains all ICheckers which should be applied to the search result.


val containsBuilder: B

The builder representing the entry point of the process of building a sophisticated contains assertion.

Inherited Functions


fun addAssertion(assertion: IAssertion): IAssertionPlant<T>

Helper method to simplify adding assertions to the plant which itself is stored in containsBuilder.

Extension Functions


fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, CharSequenceContainsNoOpSearchBehaviour>.regex(pattern: Any, vararg otherPatterns: Any): IAssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the given pattern as well as the otherPatterns are expected to have a match, using a non disjoint search.

fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, CharSequenceContainsIgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour>.regex(pattern: Any, vararg otherPatterns: Any): IAssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the given pattern as well as the otherPatterns are expected to have a match (ignoring case), using a non disjoint search.


fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, CharSequenceContainsNoOpSearchBehaviour>.regex(pattern: Any, vararg otherPatterns: Any): IAssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the given pattern as well as the otherPatterns are expected to have a match, using a non disjoint search.

fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, CharSequenceContainsIgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour>.regex(pattern: Any, vararg otherPatterns: Any): IAssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the given pattern as well as the otherPatterns are expected to have a match (ignoring case), using a non disjoint search.


fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, CharSequenceContainsNoOpSearchBehaviour>.value(expected: Any): IAssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected object shall be searched, using a non disjoint search.

fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, CharSequenceContainsIgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour>.value(expected: Any): IAssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected object shall be searched (ignoring case), using a non disjoint search.


fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, CharSequenceContainsNoOpSearchBehaviour>.values(expected: Any, vararg otherExpected: Any): IAssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected object as well as the otherExpected objects shall be searched, using a non disjoint search.

fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, CharSequenceContainsIgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour>.values(expected: Any, vararg otherExpected: Any): IAssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected object as well as the otherExpected objects shall be searched (ignoring case), using a non disjoint search.


fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, CharSequenceContainsNoOpSearchBehaviour>.wert(expected: Any): IAssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected object shall be searched, using a non disjoint search.

fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, CharSequenceContainsIgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour>.wert(expected: Any): IAssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected object shall be searched (ignoring case), using a non disjoint search.


fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, CharSequenceContainsNoOpSearchBehaviour>.werte(expected: Any, vararg otherExpected: Any): IAssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected object as well as the otherExpected objects shall be searched, using a non disjoint search.

fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, CharSequenceContainsIgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour>.werte(expected: Any, vararg otherExpected: Any): IAssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected object as well as the otherExpected objects shall be searched (ignoring case), using a non disjoint search.



abstract class CharSequenceContainsAtLeastCheckerBuilderBase<T : CharSequence, S : ISearchBehaviour> : CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, S>

The base class for builders which create a contains at least check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.


abstract class CharSequenceContainsAtMostCheckerBuilderBase<T : CharSequence, S : ISearchBehaviour> : CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, S>

The base class for builders which create a contains at least once but at most check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.


abstract class CharSequenceContainsButAtMostCheckerBuilderBase<T : CharSequence, S : ISearchBehaviour> : CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, S>

The base class for builders which create the second step of a contains at least but at most check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.


abstract class CharSequenceContainsExactlyCheckerBuilderBase<T : CharSequence, S : ISearchBehaviour> : CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, S>

The base class for builders which create a contains exactly check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.


abstract class CharSequenceContainsNotOrAtMostCheckerBuilderBase<T : CharSequence, S : ISearchBehaviour> : CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, S>

The base class for builders which create a contains not or at most check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.