doc / ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains / IIterableContains / ICreator


interface ICreator<in T : Iterable<*>, in S> : ICreator<T, S>

Represents the final step of a sophisticated contains assertion builder which creates the IAssertionGroup as such.


T - The type of the IAssertionPlant.subject. S - The type of the search criteria.



class IterableContainsInAnyOrderEntriesAssertionCreator<E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> : ContainsAssertionCreator<T, IAssertionPlant<E>.() -> Unit, IChecker>, ICreator<T, IAssertionPlant<E>.() -> Unit>

Represents a creator of a sophisticated contains assertions for Iterable where an expected entry can appear in any order and is identified by holding a group of assertions, created by an assertion creator lambda.


class IterableContainsInAnyOrderObjectsAssertionCreator<S, T : Iterable<S>> : ContainsObjectsAssertionCreator<T, S, IterableContainsInAnyOrderSearchBehaviour, IChecker>, ICreator<T, S>

Represents a creator of a sophisticated contains assertions for Iterable where an expected entry can appear in any order and is identified by expected objects (equality comparison).


abstract class IterableContainsInAnyOrderOnlyAssertionCreator<E, T : Iterable<E>, S> : ICreator<T, S>

Represents the base class for in any order only assertion creators and provides a corresponding template to fulfill its responsibility.


abstract class IterableContainsInOrderOnlyAssertionCreator<E, T : Iterable<E>, S> : ICreator<T, S>

Represents the base class for in order only assertion creators and provides a corresponding template to fulfill its responsibility.