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Contains base classes for fluent API builders used in assertion function APIs (e.g.



abstract class IterableContainsAtLeastCheckerBuilderBase<out E, out T : Iterable<E>, out S : SearchBehaviour> : IterableContainsCheckerBuilder<E, T, S>

The base class for builders which create a contains at least check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.


abstract class IterableContainsAtMostCheckerBuilderBase<out E, out T : Iterable<E>, out S : SearchBehaviour> : IterableContainsCheckerBuilder<E, T, S>

The base class for builders which create a contains at least once but at most check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.


class IterableContainsBuilder<out E, out T : Iterable<E>, out S : SearchBehaviour> : ContainsBuilder<T, S>

Represents the entry point of the fluent API of sophisticated contains assertions. It contains the plant for which the Assertion shall be build as well as the decoration behaviour which shall be applied to the plant's subject.


abstract class IterableContainsButAtMostCheckerBuilderBase<out E, out T : Iterable<E>, out S : SearchBehaviour> : IterableContainsCheckerBuilder<E, T, S>

The base class for builders which create the second step of a contains at least but at most check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.


abstract class IterableContainsCheckerBuilder<out E, out T : Iterable<E>, out S : SearchBehaviour> : ContainsCheckerBuilder<T, S, Checker, IterableContainsBuilder<E, T, S>>

The base class for builders which create Checkers within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion which was started with the given containsBuilder.


abstract class IterableContainsExactlyCheckerBuilderBase<out E, out T : Iterable<E>, out S : SearchBehaviour> : IterableContainsCheckerBuilder<E, T, S>

The base class for builders which create a contains exactly check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.


class IterableContainsNoOpCheckerBuilder<out E, out T : Iterable<E>, out S : SearchBehaviour> : IterableContainsCheckerBuilder<E, T, S>

Represents a "no IterableContains.Checker" option, meaning no checker shall be applied to a search result.


abstract class IterableContainsNotCheckerBuilderBase<out E, out T : Iterable<E>, out S : SearchBehaviour> : IterableContainsCheckerBuilder<E, T, S>

The base class for builders which create a contains not check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.


abstract class IterableContainsNotOrAtMostCheckerBuilderBase<out E, out T : Iterable<E>, out S : SearchBehaviour> : IterableContainsCheckerBuilder<E, T, S>

The base class for builders which create a contains not or at most check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.