Package-level declarations

Contains parameter objects which help out in case Atrium requires more than one argument.


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class All<out T> : VarArgHelper<T>

Parameter object to express T, vararg T.

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class Entries<T> : Group<Expect<T>.() -> Unit?> , VarArgHelper<Expect<T>.() -> Unit?>

Parameter object to express a Group of identification lambdas.

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data class Entry<T : Any> : Group<Expect<T>.() -> Unit?>

Parameter object to express a Group with a single identification lambda.

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data class IndexWithCreator<E>

Parameter object which combines an index of type Int with an assertionCreator which defines assertions for a resulting feature of type E.

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data class KeyWithCreator<out K, V>

Parameter object which combines an key of type K with an assertionCreator which defines assertions for a resulting feature of type V.

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class Pairs<out K, out V> : VarArgHelper<Pair<K, V>>

Parameter object to express Pair<K, V>, vararg Pair<K, V>.

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data class PresentWithCreator<E>

Parameter object which represents a present value (e.g. to represent a present Optional) with an element type E combined with an assertionCreator which defines assertions for the element.

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Parameter object to express String, vararg String where they are treated as regex patterns.

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data class SuccessWithCreator<E>

Parameter object that takes assertionCreator which defines assertions for a resulting feature of type E.

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Represents a Group of multiple values.

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data class Value<out T> : Group<T>

Represents a Group with a single value.

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class Values<out T> : Group<T> , VarArgHelper<T>

Represents a Group of multiple values.