Package-level declarations

The AssertionBuilder and other builders to ease the creation of Assertions.


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Represents a builder which creates Assertions and AssertionGroups.

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Final step in the AssertionBuilder process, creates the desired Assertion of type T.

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interface AssertionsOption<out T : AssertionGroupType, out R>

Option step which allows to specify AssertionGroup.assertions.

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Type alias which can be used if only the AssertionGroupType is parameterised and the next step is an AssertionsOption which in turn has the BasicAssertionGroupFinalStep as final step.

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interface Descriptive

Defines the contract to build a DescriptiveAssertion.

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Defines the contract to build a DescriptiveAssertion like assertion with an additional hint which might be shown if the Descriptive.DescriptionOption.test fails.

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interface Explanatory

Defines the contract to build an ExplanatoryAssertion.

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Defines the contract to build an AssertionGroup with an ExplanatoryAssertionGroupType.

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interface FixedClaimGroup

Defines the contract to build an AssertionGroup which has a fixed AssertionGroup.holds.

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Defines the contract to build an AssertionGroup which has a fixed AssertionGroup.holds or the like.

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Defines the contract to build an AssertionGroup whose AssertionGroup.holds is a logic AND operation composed by a fixed part and its AssertionGroup.assertions.

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Defines the contract to build an RepresentationOnlyAssertion.

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Contract for sub option steps which are based on a defined or absent subject of the expectation.


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Builder to create an AssertionGroup with an InvisibleAssertionGroupType -- use it only if you have several independent Assertions which should be evaluated together.

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Builder to create an AssertionGroup whose AssertionGroup.holds is a logic AND operation composed by a fixed part and its AssertionGroup.assertions.

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Builder to create the root AssertionGroup -- do not use it in assertion functions; this group should only be created by RootExpects.


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Creates an Assertion which warns the user about a bug in Atrium.

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Defines that an ExplanatoryAssertion will be used as single Assertion in AssertionGroup.assertions where the given translatable is used as ExplanatoryAssertion.explanation.

Defines that an ExplanatoryAssertion will be used as single Assertion in AssertionGroup.assertions where the given representation is used as ExplanatoryAssertion.explanation.

Defines that an ExplanatoryAssertion will be used as single Assertion in AssertionGroup.assertions where one can configure the ExplanatoryAssertion via the given explanationStep.

Defines that an ExplanatoryAssertion will be used as single Assertion in AssertionGroup.assertions where the given translatable -- which is used in an TranslatableWithArgs together with the given arguments (arg and optionally otherArgs) -- is used as ExplanatoryAssertion.explanation.

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Option to create a DescriptiveAssertion like assertion with an additional hint which might be shown if the Descriptive.DescriptionOption.test fails.

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Option to create a DescriptiveAssertion like assertion with an additional hint which is based on the subject of the expectation and which is only shown if the subject is defined (and optionally based on a given showOnlyIf predicate).

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Option to create a DescriptiveAssertion like assertion with an additional hint (which is based on the subject of the expectation) which might be shown if the Descriptive.DescriptionOption.test fails.