Package-level declarations

Everything involved in creating Assertions.


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Represents the extension point of the logic level for subjects of type T.

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interface CollectingExpect<T> : Expect<T>

Represents a container for Assertion which is intended to serve as receiver object for lambdas which create Assertions, in which this Expect collects the assertions created this way.

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data class ComponentFactory(val build: (ComponentFactoryContainer) -> Any, val producesSingleton: Boolean)

Provides a build lambda which produces the component and specifies via producesSingleton whether this component should be treated as singleton or not.

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Manages the factories to create the different components of Atrium. It takes basically the responsibility of a dependency injection facility, tailored for Atrium.

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interface DelegatingExpect<T> : Expect<T>

Represents an Expect which passes on appended Assertions to a given Expect.

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Contains translations which are used in error like messages.

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interface Expect<T>

Represents the extension point for expectation functions and sophisticated builders for subjects of type T.

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typealias ExpectationCreator<T> = Expect<T>.() -> Unit
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interface ExpectGrouping

Represents a group of expectations including nested groups of expectations (nested ExpectGrouping).

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The internal type which we work with which combines Expect, AssertionContainer and ExpectGrouping.

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interface FeatureExpect<T, R> : Expect<R>

Represents an Expect which results due to a feature extraction from he subject of the expectation.

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data class FeatureExpectOptions<R>(val description: Translatable? = null, val representationInsteadOfFeature: (R) -> Any? = null)

Additional (non-mandatory) options to create a FeatureExpect.

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Indicates a problem which was indicated by a @Deprecated annotation but was ignored by you ;-)

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interface RootExpect<T> : Expect<T>

Represents the root of an Expect chain, intended as extension point for functionality which should only be available on the root.

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data class RootExpectOptions<T>(val expectationVerb: Translatable?, val representationInsteadOfSubject: (T) -> Any?, val componentFactoryContainer: ComponentFactoryContainer?)

Additional (non-mandatory) options to create a RootExpect.


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Returns the component of type I using a corresponding factory or throws an IllegalStateException in case no factory was found which is able to build a component of the given type.

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Returns a chain of components of type I using a corresponding factory or throws an IllegalStateException in case no factory was found which is able to build a chain of components of the given type.