Package-level declarations

Contains marker interfaces for different kinds of AtriumErrorAdjusters.

Contains marker interfaces for different kinds of AtriumErrorAdjusters.

Contains marker interfaces for different kinds of AtriumErrorAdjusters.


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expect class MultiAtriumErrorAdjuster(firstAdjuster: AtriumErrorAdjuster, secondAdjuster: AtriumErrorAdjuster, otherAdjusters: List<AtriumErrorAdjuster>) : AtriumErrorAdjuster

Represents an AtriumErrorAdjuster which incorporates several AtriumErrorAdjuster and executes one after another during adjustment in the given order.

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An implementation of an AtriumErrorAdjuster which adjusts nothing and can be used by the platforms to provide the actual type of NoOpAtriumErrorAdjuster.

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Responsible to remove the stacktrace of Atrium from an AtriumError.

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Responsible to remove the stacktrace of the test runner(s) from an AtriumError.