Package-level declarations

Contains interfaces implementing Contains.Checker.


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Represents a check that an expected search criterion is contained at least times in the search input.

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Represents a check that an expected search criterion is contained at most times in the search input.

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Represents a check that an expected search criterion is contained exactly times in the search input.

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Represents a check that an expected search criterion is not contained in the search input.

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Represents a checker which is based on the number of times a search criterion is found within the search input.


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fun validateAtMost(times: Int, atMostCall: (Int) -> String, atLeastCall: (Int) -> String, exactlyCall: (Int) -> String)

Validates that times is not 1; throws an IllegalArgumentException otherwise, pointing the user to use the given exactlyCall instead of the given atMostCall.

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fun validateButAtMost(atLeastTimes: Int, butAtMostTimes: Int, atLeastButAtMostCall: (Int, Int) -> String, atLeastCall: (Int) -> String, butAtMostCall: (Int) -> String, exactlyCall: (Int) -> String)

Validates that atLeastTimes is not equal to or greater than butAtMostTimes; throws an IllegalArgumentException otherwise, pointing the user to use the given exactlyCall in case atLeastTimes equals butAtMostTimes.