Package-level declarations

Contains contracts involved in transforming Expect, their subject respectively.


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Represents a SubjectChanger.FailureHandler which acts as an adapter for another failure handler by mapping first the given subject to another type SubjectIntermediateT which is understood as input of the other failure handler.

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Defines the contract for sophisticated safe feature extractions including assertion creation for the feature.

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Helps in using FeatureExtractor by providing a guide to set the different parameters in form of a fluent builder.

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interface SubjectChanger

Defines the contract to change the subject of an assertion container (e.g. the subject of Expect) by creating a new Expect whereas the new Expect delegates assertion checking to a given original assertion container.

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Helps in using SubjectChanger by providing a guide to set the different parameters in form of a fluent builder.

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Defines the minimal contract for the execution step of a subject transformation process - i.e. the step after choosing all options.
