Package-level declarations

Contains the out-of-the-box expectation verb expect and expectGrouped.


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fun <T> expect(subject: T): RootExpect<T>

Creates an Expect for the given subject.

fun <T> expect(subject: T, assertionCreator: Expect<T>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Creates an Expect for the given subject and appends the expectations the given assertionCreator-lambda creates as group to it.

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fun <R> ExpectGrouping.expect(subject: R): Expect<R>

Creates an Expect for the given subject.

fun <T, R> Expect<T>.expect(newSubject: R): FeatureExpect<T, R>

Creates an Expect for the given (unrelated) newSubject.

fun <R> ExpectGrouping.expect(subject: R, assertionCreator: Expect<R>.() -> Unit): Expect<R>

Creates an Expect for the given subject and appends the expectations the given assertionCreator-lambda creates as group to it.

fun <T, R> Expect<T>.expect(newSubject: R, assertionCreator: Expect<R>.() -> Unit): Expect<R>

Creates an Expect for the given (unrelated) newSubject and appends the expectations the given assertionCreator-lambda creates as group to it.

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fun expectGrouped(description: String = AssertionVerb.EXPECT_GROUPED.getDefault(), configuration: RootExpectBuilder.OptionsChooser<*>.() -> Unit = {}, groupingActions: ExpectGrouping.() -> Unit): ExpectGrouping

Creates an ExpectGrouping which can be used to group multiple unrelated subjects.

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fun ExpectGrouping.expectGrouped(description: String, representationProvider: () -> Any = Text.EMPTY_PROVIDER, groupingActions: ExpectGrouping.() -> Unit): ExpectGrouping

In order to have one way only, use the function provided by the API such as group.