doc / / CharSequenceContainsBuilder


class CharSequenceContainsBuilder<out T : CharSequence, out S : CharSequenceContains.SearchBehaviour> : ContainsBuilder<T, S>, CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, S>
Deprecated: Use the interface CharSequenceContains.Builder instead; will be removed with 1.0.0

Represents the deprecated entry point of the fluent API of sophisticated contains assertions. It contains the subjectProvider for which the Assertion shall be build as well as the decoration behaviour which shall be applied to the subjectProvider's subject.


T - The input type of the search which is the same as the type of the subject of the subjectProvider.

S - The search behaviour which should be applied for the input of the search.



CharSequenceContainsBuilder(plant: AssertionPlant<T>, searchBehaviour: S)

Represents the entry point of the fluent API of sophisticated contains assertions.

Inherited Properties


open val searchBehaviour: S

The search behaviour which shall be applied to the input of the search.


open val subjectProvider: AssertionPlant<T>

The SubjectProvider from which this building process started and to which the resulting Assertion should be added.

Extension Properties


val <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, NoOpSearchBehaviour>.ignoriereGrossKleinschreibung: CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, IgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour>

Defines that the search behaviour ignore case shall be applied to this sophisticated contains assertion.

Extension Functions


fun <T : CharSequence, S : CharSequenceContains.SearchBehaviour> CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, S>.genau(times: Int): ExactlyCheckerOption<T, S>

Restricts a contains assertion by specifying that the number of occurrences of the value which we are looking for occurs exactly number of times within the search input.


fun <T : CharSequence, S : CharSequenceContains.SearchBehaviour> CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, S>.hoechstens(times: Int): AtMostCheckerOption<T, S>

Restricts a contains assertion by specifying that the number of occurrences of the value which we are looking for occurs at least once but at most number of times within the search input.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, NoOpSearchBehaviour>.ignoring(case: case): CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, IgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour>

Defines that the decoration behaviour ignore case shall be applied to this sophisticated contains assertion.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, NoOpSearchBehaviour>.ignoring(case: case): CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, IgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour>

Defines that the search behaviour ignore case shall be applied to this sophisticated contains assertion.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, NoOpSearchBehaviour>.ignoring(case: case): CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, IgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour>

Defines that the search behaviour ignore case shall be applied to this sophisticated contains assertion.


fun <T : CharSequence, S : CharSequenceContains.SearchBehaviour> CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, S>.nichtOderHoechstens(times: Int): NotOrAtMostCheckerOption<T, S>

Restricts a contains assertion by specifying that the number of occurrences of the value which we are looking for occurs not at all or at most number of times within the search input.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, IgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour>.the(values: Values<Any>): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the values shall be searched (ignoring case), using a non disjoint search where each need to be contained at least once.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, IgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour>.the(patterns: RegexPatterns): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the given regular expression patterns are expected to have at least one match (ignoring case), using a non disjoint search.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, IgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour>.the(values: Values<Any>): Expect<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the values shall be searched (ignoring case), using a non disjoint search where each need to be contained at least once.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, IgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour>.the(patterns: RegexPatterns): Expect<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the given regular expression patterns are expected to have at least one match (ignoring case), using a non disjoint search.


fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, IgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour>.wert(expected: Any): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected value shall be searched (ignoring case), using a non disjoint search where it needs to be contained at least once.


fun <T : CharSequence> CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, IgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour>.werte(expected: Any, vararg otherExpected: Any): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected value as well as the otherExpected values shall be searched (ignoring case), using a non disjoint search where each need to be contained at least once.


fun <T : CharSequence, S : CharSequenceContains.SearchBehaviour> CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, S>.zumindest(times: Int): AtLeastCheckerOption<T, S>

Restricts a contains assertion by specifying that the number of occurrences of the value which we are looking for occurs at least number of times within the search input.