doc / / asExpect


fun <T, A : BaseAssertionPlant<T, *>> A.asExpect(): Expect<T>

Turns Assert or AssertionPlantNullable into an Expect so that you can use new functionality which is not available on Assert/AssertionPlantNullable.

Try to switch entirely to Expect as Assert along with this function will be removed with 1.0.0

fun <T : Any, A : BaseAssertionPlant<T, *>> A.asExpect(assertionCreator: Expect<T>.() -> Unit): A

Turns Assert or AssertionPlantNullable into an Expect so that you can use new functionality which is not available on Assert/AssertionPlantNullable.

Try to switch entirely to Expect as Assert along with this function will be removed with 1.0.0

The deprecated plant.