doc / ch.tutteli.atrium.api.fluent.en_GB.jdk8

Package ch.tutteli.atrium.api.fluent.en_GB.jdk8

Contains an API for types introduced with JDK 8



val <T : LocalDate> Expect<T>.day: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDate.dayOfMonth of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : LocalDate> Expect<T>.dayOfWeek: Expect<DayOfWeek>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDate.getDayOfWeek of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Path> Expect<T>.extension: Expect<String>

Creates an Expect for the property Path.extension (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Path> Expect<T>.fileName: Expect<String>

Creates an Expect for the property Path.fileNameAsString (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Path> Expect<T>.fileNameWithoutExtension: Expect<String>

Creates an Expect for the property Path.fileNameWithoutExtension (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : LocalDate> Expect<T>.month: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDate.monthValue of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Path> Expect<T>.parent: Expect<Path>

Expects that this Path has a parent and creates an Expect for it, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : LocalDate> Expect<T>.year: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDate.year of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.



fun <T : File> Expect<T>.asPath(): Expect<Path>

Turns Expect<File> into Expect<Path>.

fun <T : File> Expect<T>.asPath(assertionCreator: Expect<Path>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for the subject as Path.


fun <T : LocalDate> Expect<T>.day(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property LocalDate.dayOfMonth of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : LocalDate> Expect<T>.dayOfWeek(assertionCreator: Expect<DayOfWeek>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property LocalDate.getDayOfWeek of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.endsNotWith(expected: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) does not end with the expected Path;


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.endsWith(expected: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) ends with the expected Path.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.exists(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) exists; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.existsNot(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) does not exist; meaning that there is no file system entry at the location the Path points to.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.extension(assertionCreator: Expect<String>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Path.extension (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.fileName(assertionCreator: Expect<String>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Path.fileNameAsString (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.fileNameWithoutExtension(assertionCreator: Expect<String>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Path.fileNameWithoutExtension (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isAfter(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is after the expected.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isAfter(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is after the expected.

fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isAfter(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is after the expected.


fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isAfterOrEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is after or equal the expected.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isAfterOrEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is after or equal the expected.

fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isAfterOrEqual(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is after or equal the expected.


fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isBefore(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is before the expected.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isBefore(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is before the expected.

fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isBefore(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is before the expected.


fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isBeforeOrEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is before or equal the expected.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isBeforeOrEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is before or equal the expected.

fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isBeforeOrEqual(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is before or equals the expected.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.isDirectory(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is a directory; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that is a directory.


fun <T : Optional<*>> Expect<T>.isEmpty(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Optional) is empty (not present).


fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is equal to the expected.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is equal to the expected.

fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isEqual(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is equal to the expected.


fun <E, T : Optional<E>> Expect<T>.isPresent(): Expect<E>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Optional) is present and returns an Expect for the inner type E.

fun <E, T : Optional<E>> Expect<T>.isPresent(assertionCreator: Expect<E>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Optional) is present and that it holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.isReadable(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is readable; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that the current thread has the permission to read from it.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.isRegularFile(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is a file; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that is a regular file.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.isWritable(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is writable; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that the current thread has the permission to write to it.


fun <T : LocalDate> Expect<T>.month(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property LocalDate.monthValue of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.parent(assertionCreator: Expect<Path>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that this Path has a parent, that the parent holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.resolve(other: String): Expect<Path>

Expects that other resolves against this Path and creates an Expect for the resolved Path so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.resolve(other: String, assertionCreator: Expect<Path>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that other resolves against this Path, that the resolved Path holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.startsNotWith(expected: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) does not start with the expected.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.startsWith(expected: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) starts with the expected.


fun <T : LocalDate> Expect<T>.year(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property LocalDate.yearof the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.