doc / / AnyTypeTransformationFailureHandlerFactoryBuilder


object AnyTypeTransformationFailureHandlerFactoryBuilder : FailureHandlerFactory (source)
Deprecated: Switch from `Assert` to `Expect` and use `ExpectImpl` instead; will be removed with 1.0.0

Delegates inter alia to the implementation of FailureHandlerFactory. In detail, it implements FailureHandlerFactory by delegating to failureHandlerFactory which in turn delegates to the implementation via loadSingleService.



fun <S : Any, T : Any> newExplanatory(): AnyTypeTransformation.FailureHandler<S, T>

Creates a AnyTypeTransformation.FailureHandler which wraps subsequent assertions into an AssertionGroup with an ExplanatoryAssertionGroupType so that the user of Atrium can see in reporting what one wanted to assert additionally.


fun <S : Any, T : Any> newExplanatoryWithHint(showHint: () -> Boolean, failureHintFactory: () -> Assertion): AnyTypeTransformation.FailureHandler<S, T>

Creates a AnyTypeTransformation.FailureHandler which wraps subsequent assertions into an AssertionGroup with an ExplanatoryAssertionGroupType so that the user of Atrium can see in reporting what one wanted to assert additionally -- moreover it includes a hint about the subject which shall only be shown if showHint evaluates to true in which case the given failureHintFactory should be used to create the hint.