doc / / istNumerischGleichWie


fun <T : BigDecimal> Assert<T>.istNumerischGleichWie(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T> (source)
Deprecated: api-cc-de_CH is discontinued, switch to api-fluent-en_GB; will be removed with 1.0.0

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is numerically equal to expected.

By numerically is meant that it will not compare BigDecimal.scale (or in other words, it uses compareTo(expected) == 0)

Most of the time you want to use this function instead of istGleichInklusiveScale because istGleichInklusiveScale compares BigDecimal.scale. Following the two functions compared:


AssertionError - Might throw an AssertionError if the assertion made is not correct.

This plant to support a fluent API.