doc / / IterableContainsExactlyCheckerBuilder


open class IterableContainsExactlyCheckerBuilder<out E, out T : Iterable<E>> : ExactlyCheckerOptionImpl<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>, IterableContainsCheckerBuilder<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour> (source)
Deprecated: Use the builder from the package creating; will be removed with 1.0.0

Represents the deprecated builder of a contains exactly check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.


T - The input type of the search.



IterableContainsExactlyCheckerBuilder(times: Int, containsBuilder: IterableContains.Builder<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>)

Represents the builder of a contains exactly check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.

Extension Functions


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E?, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.eintraege(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?, vararg otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where an entry shall be searched which either holds all assertions assertionCreatorOrNull might create or needs to be null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null -- likewise an entry (can be the same) is searched for each of the otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E?, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.eintrag(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where an entry shall be searched which either holds all assertions assertionCreatorOrNull might create or needs to be null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.elementsOf(expectedIterable: Iterable<E>): Expect<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where all elements of the expectedIterable shall be searched within the Iterable.


infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.elementsOf(expectedIterable: Iterable<E>): Expect<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where all elements of the expectedIterable shall be searched within the Iterable.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E?, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.entries(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?, vararg otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?): Expect<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where an entry shall be searched which either holds all assertions assertionCreatorOrNull creates or needs to be null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null -- likewise an entry (can be the same) is searched for each of the otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.entries(assertionCreator: Assert<E>.() -> Unit, vararg otherAssertionCreators: Assert<E>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where an entry shall be searched which holds all assertions assertionCreator might create and search for entries which hold (one by one) the assertions created by the otherAssertionCreators.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E?, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.entries(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?, vararg otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where an entry shall be searched which either holds all assertions assertionCreatorOrNull might create or needs to be null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null -- likewise an entry (can be the same) is searched for each of the otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E?, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.entry(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?): Expect<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where an entry shall be searched which either holds all assertions assertionCreatorOrNull creates or needs to be null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.


infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E?, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.entry(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?): Expect<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where an entry shall be searched which either holds all assertions assertionCreatorOrNull creates or needs to be null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.entry(assertionCreator: Assert<E>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where an entry shall be searched which holds all assertions assertionCreator might create.


infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.entry(assertionCreator: Assert<E>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where an entry shall be searched which holds all assertions assertionCreator might create.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E?, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.entry(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where an entry shall be searched which either holds all assertions assertionCreatorOrNull might create or needs to be null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.


infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E?, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.entry(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where an entry shall be searched which either holds all assertions assertionCreatorOrNull might create or needs to be null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E?, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.nullableEintraege(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?, vararg otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E?, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.nullableEintrag(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E?, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.nullableEntries(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?, vararg otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E?, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.nullableEntry(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E?, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.nullableEntry(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Assert<E>.() -> Unit)?): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.nullableValue(expected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected value shall be searched within the Iterable.


infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.nullableValue(expectedOrNull: E): AssertionPlant<T>


infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.nullableValue(expectedOrNull: E): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.nullableValues(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected value as well as the otherExpected values shall be searched within the Iterable.


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.nullableValues(expectedOrNull: E, vararg otherExpectedOrNulls: E): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.nullableWert(expectedOrNull: E): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.nullableWerte(expectedOrNull: E, vararg otherExpectedOrNulls: E): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.object(expected: E): AssertionPlant<T>


infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.object(expected: E): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.objects(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.objekt(expected: E): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.objekte(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): AssertionPlant<T>


infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.the(values: Values<E>): Expect<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected values shall be searched within the Iterable.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E?, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.the(entries: Entries<E>): Expect<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where an entry shall be searched which either holds all assertions entries.assertionCreatorOrNull creates or needs to be null in case entries.assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null -- likewise an entry (can be the same) is searched for each of the entries.otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls.


infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.the(values: Values<E>): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected values shall be searched within the Iterable.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.the(objects: Objects<E>): AssertionPlant<T>infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.the(entries: Entries<E, Assert<E>.() -> Unit>): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where an entry shall be searched which holds all assertions Entries.assertionCreator might create and search for entries which hold (one by one) the assertions created by the Entries.otherAssertionCreators.


infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.the(values: Values<E>): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected values shall be searched within the Iterable.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E?, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.the(entries: Entries<E>): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where an entry shall be searched which either holds all assertions entries.assertionCreatorOrNull might create or needs to be null in case entries.assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null -- likewise an entry (can be the same) is searched for each of the entries.otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.the(nullableValues: NullableValues<E>): AssertionPlant<T>
infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E?, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.the(nullableEntries: NullableEntries<E>): AssertionPlant<T>


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.value(expected: E): Expect<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected value shall be searched within the Iterable.


infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.value(expected: E): Expect<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected value shall be searched within the Iterable.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.value(expected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected value shall be searched within the Iterable.


infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.value(expected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected value shall be searched within the Iterable.


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.value(expected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected value shall be searched within the Iterable.


infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.value(expected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected value shall be searched within the Iterable.


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.values(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): Expect<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected value as well as the otherExpected values (if given) shall be searched within the Iterable.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.values(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected value as well as the otherExpected values shall be searched within the Iterable.


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.values(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected value as well as the otherExpected values (if given) shall be searched within the Iterable.


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.wert(expected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected value shall be searched within the Iterable.


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.CheckerOption<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.werte(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): AssertionPlant<T>

Finishes the specification of the sophisticated contains assertion where the expected value as well as the otherExpected values (if given) shall be searched within the Iterable.