doc / / nur


val <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.Builder<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.nur: IterableContains.Builder<E, T, InAnyOrderOnlySearchBehaviour>
Deprecated: api-cc-de_CH is discontinued, switch to api-fluent-en_GB; will be removed with 1.0.0

Defines that the constraint "only the specified entries exist in the Iterable" shall be applied to this sophisticated contains Iterable assertion.

The newly created builder.

val <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContains.Builder<E, T, InOrderSearchBehaviour>.nur: IterableContains.Builder<E, T, InOrderOnlySearchBehaviour>

Defines that the constraint "only the specified entries exist in the Iterable" shall be applied to this sophisticated contains in order Iterable assertion.

The newly created builder.