doc / / containsStrictly


infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(expected: E): AssertionPlant<T>
Deprecated: Replaced with containsExactly for clearer naming; will be removed with 1.0.0

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(expected: NullableValue<E>): AssertionPlant<T>
Deprecated: Replaced with containsExactly for clearer naming; will be removed with 1.0.0

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(values: Values<E>): AssertionPlant<T>
Deprecated: Replaced with containsExactly for clearer naming; will be removed with 1.0.0

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(nullableValues: NullableValues<E>): AssertionPlant<T>
Deprecated: Replaced with containsExactly for clearer naming; will be removed with 1.0.0

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(assertionCreator: Assert<E>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T>
Deprecated: Replaced with containsExactly for clearer naming; will be removed with 1.0.0

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(nullableEntry: NullableEntry<E>): AssertionPlant<T>
Deprecated: Replaced with containsExactly for clearer naming; will be removed with 1.0.0

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(entries: Entries<E>): AssertionPlant<T>
Deprecated: Replaced with containsExactly for clearer naming; will be removed with 1.0.0

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(nullableEntries: NullableEntries<E>): AssertionPlant<T>
Deprecated: Replaced with containsExactly for clearer naming; will be removed with 1.0.0