doc / ch.tutteli.atrium.creating / Expect


interface Expect<T> : SubjectProvider<T>

Represents the extension point for Assertion functions and sophisticated builders for subjects of type T.

Note, do not use SubjectProvider as this interface is only temporary and will most likely be removed without further notice.


T - The type of the subject of the assertion.

Inherited Properties


abstract val maybeSubject: Option<T>

Either Some wrapping the subject of an Assertion or None in case a previous subject change could not be carried out.


abstract val subject: T

The subject of an Assertion -- deprecated, will be removed with 1.0.0.



abstract fun addAssertion(assertion: Assertion): Expect<T>

Adds the given assertion to this container.


abstract fun addAssertionsCreatedBy(assertionCreator: Expect<T>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Adds the assertions created by the assertionCreator lambda to this container and adds a failing assertion to this container in case the assertionCreator did not create a single assertion.


open fun createAndAddAssertion(description: String, expected: Any?, test: (T) -> Boolean): Expect<T>
open fun createAndAddAssertion(description: Translatable, expected: Any?, test: (T) -> Boolean): Expect<T>

Creates a DescriptiveAssertion based on the given description, expected and test and adds it to the container.

Extension Properties


val <T> Expect<T>._logic: AssertionContainer<T>

Entry point to the logic level of Atrium -- which is one level deeper than the API -- on which assertion functions do not return Expects but Assertions and the like.


val <T> Expect<T>.and: Expect<T>

Can be used to separate single assertions.


val <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.contains: CharSequenceContains.EntryPointStep<T, NoOpSearchBehaviour>

Starts a sophisticated contains assertion building process based on this Expect.


val <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.containsNot: NotCheckerStep<T, NotSearchBehaviour>

Starts a sophisticated contains assertion building process based on this Expect and already chooses a NotCheckerStep.


val Expect<LocalDate>.day: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDate.dayOfMonth of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

val Expect<LocalDateTime>.day: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDateTime.dayOfMonth of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

val Expect<ZonedDateTime>.day: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property ZonedDateTime.dayOfMonth of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val Expect<LocalDate>.day: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDate.dayOfMonth of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

val Expect<LocalDateTime>.day: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDateTime.dayOfMonth of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

val Expect<ZonedDateTime>.day: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property ZonedDateTime.dayOfMonth of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : LocalDate> Expect<T>.day: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDate.dayOfMonth of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val Expect<LocalDate>.dayOfWeek: Expect<DayOfWeek>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDate.getDayOfWeek of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

val Expect<LocalDateTime>.dayOfWeek: Expect<DayOfWeek>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDateTime.dayOfWeek of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

val Expect<ZonedDateTime>.dayOfWeek: Expect<DayOfWeek>

Creates an Expect for the property ZonedDatetime.dayOfWeek of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val Expect<LocalDate>.dayOfWeek: Expect<DayOfWeek>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDate.getDayOfWeek of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

val Expect<LocalDateTime>.dayOfWeek: Expect<DayOfWeek>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDateTime.dayOfWeek of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

val Expect<ZonedDateTime>.dayOfWeek: Expect<DayOfWeek>

Creates an Expect for the property ZonedDatetime.dayOfWeek of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : LocalDate> Expect<T>.dayOfWeek: Expect<DayOfWeek>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDate.getDayOfWeek of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Path> Expect<T>.extension: Expect<String>

Creates an Expect for the property Path.extension (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Path> Expect<T>.extension: Expect<String>

Creates an Expect for the property Path.extension (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Path> Expect<T>.extension: Expect<String>

Creates an Expect for the property Path.extension (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Path> Expect<T>.fileName: Expect<String>

Creates an Expect for the property Path.fileNameAsString (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Path> Expect<T>.fileName: Expect<String>

Creates an Expect for the property Path.fileNameAsString (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Path> Expect<T>.fileName: Expect<String>

Creates an Expect for the property Path.fileNameAsString (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Path> Expect<T>.fileNameWithoutExtension: Expect<String>

Creates an Expect for the property Path.fileNameWithoutExtension (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Path> Expect<T>.fileNameWithoutExtension: Expect<String>

Creates an Expect for the property Path.fileNameWithoutExtension (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Path> Expect<T>.fileNameWithoutExtension: Expect<String>

Creates an Expect for the property Path.fileNameWithoutExtension (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <K, T : Pair<K, *>> Expect<T>.first: Expect<K>

Creates an Expect for the property Pair.first of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <K, T : Pair<K, *>> Expect<T>.first: Expect<K>

Creates an Expect for the property Pair.first of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T> Expect<T>.it: Expect<T>

Inline property referring actually to this and allows to write infix assertions within an assertion group block


val <T> Expect<T>.its: Expect<T>

Inline property referring actually to this and allows to write infix assertions within an assertion group block


val <K, T : Entry<K, *>> Expect<T>.key: Expect<K>

Creates an Expect for the property Map.Entry.key of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <K, T : Entry<K, *>> Expect<T>.key: Expect<K>

Creates an Expect for the property Map.Entry.key of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <K, T : Map<out K, *>> Expect<T>.keys: Expect<Set<K>>

Creates an Expect for the property Map.keys of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <K, T : Map<out K, *>> Expect<T>.keys: Expect<Set<K>>

Creates an Expect for the property Map.keys of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Throwable> Expect<T>.message: Expect<String>

Expects that the property Throwable.message of the subject of the assertion is not null, creates an Expect for it and returns it.


val <T : Throwable> Expect<T>.message: Expect<String>

Expects that the property Throwable.message of the subject of the assertion is not null, creates an Expect for it and returns it.


val Expect<LocalDate>.month: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDate.monthValue of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

val Expect<LocalDateTime>.month: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDateTime.monthValue of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

val Expect<ZonedDateTime>.month: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property ZonedDateTime.monthValue of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val Expect<LocalDate>.month: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDate.monthValue of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

val Expect<LocalDateTime>.month: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDateTime.monthValue of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

val Expect<ZonedDateTime>.month: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property ZonedDateTime.monthValue of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : LocalDate> Expect<T>.month: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDate.monthValue of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Path> Expect<T>.parent: Expect<Path>

Expects that this Path has a parent and creates an Expect for it, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Path> Expect<T>.parent: Expect<Path>

Expects that this Path has a parent and creates an Expect for it, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Path> Expect<T>.parent: Expect<Path>

Expects that this Path has a parent and creates an Expect for it, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <V, T : Pair<*, V>> Expect<T>.second: Expect<V>

Creates an Expect for the property Pair.second of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <V, T : Pair<*, V>> Expect<T>.second: Expect<V>

Creates an Expect for the property Pair.second of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Collection<*>> Expect<T>.size: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property Collection.size of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : Collection<*>> Expect<T>.size: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property Collection.size of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <V, T : Entry<*, V>> Expect<T>.value: Expect<V>

Creates an Expect for the property Map.Entry.value of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <V, T : Entry<*, V>> Expect<T>.value: Expect<V>

Creates an Expect for the property Map.Entry.value of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <V, T : Map<*, V>> Expect<T>.values: Expect<Collection<V>>

Creates an Expect for the property Map.values of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <V, T : Map<*, V>> Expect<T>.values: Expect<Collection<V>>

Creates an Expect for the property Map.values of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val Expect<LocalDate>.year: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDate.year of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

val Expect<LocalDateTime>.year: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDateTime.year[LocalDateTime.getYear of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

val Expect<ZonedDateTime>.year: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property ZonedDateTime.year of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val Expect<LocalDate>.year: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDate.year of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

val Expect<LocalDateTime>.year: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDateTime.year[LocalDateTime.getYear of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

val Expect<ZonedDateTime>.year: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property ZonedDateTime.year of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.


val <T : LocalDate> Expect<T>.year: Expect<Int>

Creates an Expect for the property LocalDate.year of the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

Extension Functions


fun <T> Expect<T>._logicAppend(factory: AssertionContainer<T>.() -> Assertion): Expect<T>

Appends the Assertion the given factory creates based on this Expect.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Expect<T>.all(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) has at least one element and that either every element holds all assertions created by the assertionCreatorOrNull or that all elements are null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.


infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Expect<T>.all(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) has at least one element and that either every element holds all assertions created by the assertionCreatorOrNull or that all elements are null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.


infix fun <T> Expect<T>.and(assertionCreator: Expect<T>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Can be used to create a group of sub assertions when using the fluent API.


infix fun <T> Expect<T>.and(o: o): Expect<T>

Can be used to separate single assertions.

infix fun <T> Expect<T>.and(assertionCreator: Expect<T>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Can be used to create a group of sub assertions when using the fluent API.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Expect<T>.any(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or an entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.


infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Expect<T>.any(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or an entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.


fun <T : Any> Expect<T>.asAssert(): Assert<T>
fun <T : Any> Expect<T>.asAssert(assertionCreator: Assert<T>.() -> Unit): Assert<T>

Turns this Expect into an Assert so that you can use functions which have not yet been migrated to Expect.


fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Expect<T>.asEntries(): Expect<Set<Entry<K, V>>>

Turns Expect<Map<K, V>> into Expect<Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>>.

fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Expect<T>.asEntries(assertionCreator: Expect<Set<Entry<K, V>>>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Turns Expect<Map<K, V>> into Expect<Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>> and expects that it holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it.


infix fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Expect<T>.asEntries(o: o): Expect<Set<Entry<K, V>>>

Turns Expect<Map<K, V>> into Expect<Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>>.

infix fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Expect<T>.asEntries(assertionCreator: Expect<Set<Entry<K, V>>>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Turns Expect<Map<K, V>> into Expect<Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>> and expects that it holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it.


fun <E, T : Sequence<E>> Expect<T>.asIterable(): Expect<Iterable<E>>

Turns Expect<Sequence<E>> into Expect<Iterable<E>>.

fun <E, T : Sequence<E>> Expect<T>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Expect<Iterable<E>>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for the subject as Iterable.


infix fun <E, T : Sequence<E>> Expect<T>.asIterable(o: o): Expect<Iterable<E>>

Turns Expect<E, T : Sequence<E>> into Expect<Iterable<E>>.

infix fun <E, T : Sequence<E>> Expect<T>.asIterable(assertionCreator: Expect<Iterable<E>>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for the subject as Iterable.


fun <E> Expect<out Array<out E>>.asList(): Expect<List<E>>

Turns Expect<Array<E>> into Expect<List<E>>.

fun <E> Expect<Array<E>>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<E>>.() -> Unit): Expect<Array<E>>
fun Expect<ByteArray>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<Byte>>.() -> Unit): Expect<ByteArray>
fun Expect<CharArray>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<Char>>.() -> Unit): Expect<CharArray>
fun Expect<ShortArray>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<Short>>.() -> Unit): Expect<ShortArray>
fun Expect<IntArray>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<Int>>.() -> Unit): Expect<IntArray>
fun Expect<LongArray>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<Long>>.() -> Unit): Expect<LongArray>
fun Expect<FloatArray>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<Float>>.() -> Unit): Expect<FloatArray>
fun Expect<DoubleArray>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<Double>>.() -> Unit): Expect<DoubleArray>
fun Expect<BooleanArray>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<Boolean>>.() -> Unit): Expect<BooleanArray>
fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<E>>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for the subject as List.

fun Expect<ByteArray>.asList(): Expect<List<Byte>>

Turns Expect<CharArray> into Expect<List<Byte>>.

fun Expect<CharArray>.asList(): Expect<List<Char>>

Turns Expect<CharArray> into Expect<List<Char>>.

fun Expect<ShortArray>.asList(): Expect<List<Short>>

Turns Expect<ShortArray> into Expect<List<Short>>.

fun Expect<IntArray>.asList(): Expect<List<Int>>

Turns Expect<IntArray> into Expect<List<Int>>.

fun Expect<LongArray>.asList(): Expect<List<Long>>

Turns Expect<LongArray> into Expect<List<Double>>.

fun Expect<FloatArray>.asList(): Expect<List<Float>>

Turns Expect<FloatArray> into Expect<List<Float>>.

fun Expect<DoubleArray>.asList(): Expect<List<Double>>

Turns Expect<DoubleArray> into Expect<List<Double>>.

fun Expect<BooleanArray>.asList(): Expect<List<Boolean>>

Turns Expect<BooleanArray> into Expect<List<Boolean>>.

fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.asList(): Expect<List<E>>

Turns Expect<E, T : Iterable<E>> into Expect<List<E>.


infix fun <E> Expect<out Array<out E>>.asList(o: o): Expect<List<E>>

Turns Expect<Array<E>> into Expect<List<E>>.

infix fun <E> Expect<Array<E>>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<E>>.() -> Unit): Expect<Array<E>>
infix fun Expect<ByteArray>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<Byte>>.() -> Unit): Expect<ByteArray>
infix fun Expect<CharArray>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<Char>>.() -> Unit): Expect<CharArray>
infix fun Expect<ShortArray>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<Short>>.() -> Unit): Expect<ShortArray>
infix fun Expect<IntArray>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<Int>>.() -> Unit): Expect<IntArray>
infix fun Expect<LongArray>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<Long>>.() -> Unit): Expect<LongArray>
infix fun Expect<FloatArray>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<Float>>.() -> Unit): Expect<FloatArray>
infix fun Expect<DoubleArray>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<Double>>.() -> Unit): Expect<DoubleArray>
infix fun Expect<BooleanArray>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<Boolean>>.() -> Unit): Expect<BooleanArray>
infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.asList(assertionCreator: Expect<List<E>>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for the subject as List.

infix fun Expect<ByteArray>.asList(o: o): Expect<List<Byte>>

Turns Expect<CharArray> into Expect<List<Byte>>.

infix fun Expect<CharArray>.asList(o: o): Expect<List<Char>>

Turns Expect<CharArray> into Expect<List<Char>>.

infix fun Expect<ShortArray>.asList(o: o): Expect<List<Short>>

Turns Expect<ShortArray> into Expect<List<Short>>.

infix fun Expect<IntArray>.asList(o: o): Expect<List<Int>>

Turns Expect<IntArray> into Expect<List<Int>>.

infix fun Expect<LongArray>.asList(o: o): Expect<List<Long>>

Turns Expect<LongArray> into Expect<List<Double>>.

infix fun Expect<FloatArray>.asList(o: o): Expect<List<Float>>

Turns Expect<FloatArray> into Expect<List<Float>>.

infix fun Expect<DoubleArray>.asList(o: o): Expect<List<Double>>

Turns Expect<DoubleArray> into Expect<List<Double>>.

infix fun Expect<BooleanArray>.asList(o: o): Expect<List<Boolean>>

Turns Expect<BooleanArray> into Expect<List<Boolean>>.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.asList(o: o): Expect<List<E>>

Turns Expect<E, T : Iterable<E>> into Expect<List<E>.


fun <T : File> Expect<T>.asPath(): Expect<Path>

Turns Expect<File> into Expect<Path>.

fun <T : File> Expect<T>.asPath(assertionCreator: Expect<Path>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for the subject as Path.


infix fun <T : File> Expect<T>.asPath(o: o): Expect<Path>

Turns Expect<File> into Expect<Path>.

infix fun <T : File> Expect<T>.asPath(assertionCreator: Expect<Path>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for the subject as Path.


fun <T : File> Expect<T>.asPath(): Expect<Path>

Turns Expect<File> into Expect<Path>.

fun <T : File> Expect<T>.asPath(assertionCreator: Expect<Path>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for the subject as Path.


fun <T, R> Expect<T>.assert(newSubject: R): FeatureExpect<T, R>


fun <T, R> Expect<T>.assertThat(newSubject: R): FeatureExpect<T, R>


fun <TExpected : Throwable> Expect<out Throwable>.cause(): Expect<TExpected>

Expects that the property Throwable.cause of the subject is a TExpected (the same type or a sub-type), creates an Expect of the TExpected type for it and returns it.

fun <TExpected : Throwable> Expect<out Throwable>.cause(assertionCreator: Expect<TExpected>.() -> Unit): Expect<TExpected>

Expects that the property Throwable.cause of the subject is a TExpected (the same type or a sub-type) and holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns this assertion container.


fun <TExpected : Throwable> Expect<out Throwable>.cause(): Expect<TExpected>

Expects that the property Throwable.cause of the subject is a TExpected (the same type or a sub-type), creates an Expect of the TExpected type for it and returns it.

infix fun <TExpected : Throwable> Expect<out Throwable>.cause(assertionCreator: Expect<TExpected>.() -> Unit): Expect<TExpected>

Expects that the property Throwable.cause of the subject is a TExpected (the same type or a sub-type) and holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns this assertion container.


fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.contains(expected: CharSequenceOrNumberOrChar, vararg otherExpected: CharSequenceOrNumberOrChar): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) contains expected's toString representation and the toString representation of the otherExpected (if given), using a non disjoint search.

fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.contains(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains the expected value and the otherExpected values (if given).

fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Expect<T>.contains(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or an entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.

fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Expect<T>.contains(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?, vararg otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or an entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null -- likewise an entry (can be the same) is searched for each of the otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls.

fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Expect<T>.contains(keyValuePair: Pair<K, V>, vararg otherPairs: Pair<K, V>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Map) contains a key as defined by keyValuePair's Pair.first with a corresponding value as defined by keyValuePair's Pair.second -- optionally the same assertions are created for the otherPairs.

fun <K, V : Any, T : Map<out K, V?>> Expect<T>.contains(keyValue: KeyValue<K, V>, vararg otherKeyValues: KeyValue<K, V>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Map) contains a key as defined by keyValue's KeyValue.key with a corresponding value which either holds all assertions keyValue's KeyValue.valueAssertionCreatorOrNull creates or needs to be null in case KeyValue.valueAssertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null -- optionally the same assertions are created for the otherKeyValues.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.contains(o: o): CharSequenceContains.EntryPointStep<T, NoOpSearchBehaviour>

Starts a sophisticated contains assertion building process based on this Expect.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.contains(expected: CharSequenceOrNumberOrChar): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) contains the expected's toString representation.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.contains(values: Values<CharSequenceOrNumberOrChar>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) contains the toString representation of the given values using a non disjoint search.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.contains(pattern: Regex): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) contains a sequence which matches the given regular expression pattern.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.contains(regexPatterns: RegexPatterns): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) contains a sequence which matches the given regular expression regexPatterns, using a non disjoint search.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.contains(patterns: All<Regex>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) contains a sequence which matches the given regular expression patterns, using a non disjoint search.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.contains(expected: E): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains the expected value.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.contains(values: Values<E>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains the expected values.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Expect<T>.contains(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or an entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Expect<T>.contains(entries: Entries<E>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains an entry holding the assertions created by entries.assertionCreatorOrNull or an entry which is null in case entries.assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null -- likewise an entry (can be the same) is searched for each of the entries.otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.contains(noDuplicates: noDuplicates): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) does not have duplicate elements.

infix fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Expect<T>.contains(keyValuePair: Pair<K, V>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Map) contains a key as defined by keyValuePair's Pair.first with a corresponding value as defined by keyValuePair's Pair.second

infix fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Expect<T>.contains(keyValuePairs: Pairs<K, V>): Expect<T>

Expects the subject of the assertion (a Map) contains for each entry in keyValuePairs, a key as defined by that entry's Pair.first with a corresponding value as defined by entry's Pair.second.

infix fun <K, V : Any, T : Map<out K, V?>> Expect<T>.contains(keyValue: KeyWithValueCreator<K, V>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Map) contains a key as defined by keyValue's KeyWithValueCreator.key with a corresponding value which either holds all assertions keyValue's KeyWithValueCreator.valueAssertionCreatorOrNull creates or needs to be null in case KeyWithValueCreator.valueAssertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null

infix fun <K, V : Any, T : Map<out K, V?>> Expect<T>.contains(keyValues: All<KeyWithValueCreator<K, V>>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Map) contains for each KeyWithValueCreator in keyValues, a key as defined by KeyWithValueCreator.key with a corresponding value which either holds all assertions KeyWithValueCreator's KeyWithValueCreator.valueAssertionCreatorOrNull creates or needs to be null in case KeyWithValueCreator.valueAssertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.containsElementsOf(expectedIterableLike: IterableLike): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains all elements of expectedIterableLike.


infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.containsElementsOf(expectedIterableLike: IterableLike): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains all elements of expectedIterableLike.


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.containsExactly(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains only the expected value and the otherExpected values (if given) in the defined order.

fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Expect<T>.containsExactly(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains only an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or only one entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.

fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Expect<T>.containsExactly(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?, vararg otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains only an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null and likewise an additional entry for each otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls (if given) whereas the entries have to appear in the defined order.


infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.containsExactly(expected: E): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains only the expected value.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.containsExactly(values: Values<E>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains only the expected values in the defined order.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Expect<T>.containsExactly(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains only an entry holding the assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or only one entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Expect<T>.containsExactly(entries: Entries<E>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains only an entry holding the assertions created by entries.assertionCreatorOrNull or null in case entries.assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null and likewise an additional entry for each entries.otherAssertionCreatorsOrNulls (if given) whereas the entries have to appear in the defined order.


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.containsExactlyElementsOf(expectedIterableLike: IterableLike): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains only elements of expectedIterableLike in same order


infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.containsExactlyElementsOf(expectedIterableLike: IterableLike): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) contains only elements of expectedIterableLike in same order


fun <K, T : Map<out K, *>> Expect<T>.containsKey(key: K): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Map) contains the given key.


infix fun <K, T : Map<out K, *>> Expect<T>.containsKey(key: K): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Map) contains the given key.


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.containsNoDuplicates(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) does not have duplicate elements.


fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.containsNot(expected: CharSequenceOrNumberOrChar, vararg otherExpected: CharSequenceOrNumberOrChar): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) does not contain expected's toString representation and neither one of the otherExpected's toString representation (if given).

fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.containsNot(expected: E, vararg otherExpected: E): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) has at least one element and that it does not contain the expected value and neither one of the otherExpected values (if given).


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.containsNot(o: o): NotCheckerStep<T, NotSearchBehaviour>

Starts a sophisticated contains assertion building process based on this Expect and already chooses a NotCheckerStep.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.containsNot(expected: CharSequenceOrNumberOrChar): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) does not contain expected's toString representation.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.containsNot(values: Values<CharSequenceOrNumberOrChar>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) does not contain the toString representation of the given values.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.containsNot(expected: E): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) has at least one element and that it does not contain the expected value.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.containsNot(values: Values<E>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) has at least one element and that it does not contain the expected values.


fun <K, T : Map<out K, *>> Expect<T>.containsNotKey(key: K): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Map) does not contain the given key.


infix fun <K, T : Map<out K, *>> Expect<T>.containsNotKey(key: K): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Map) does not contain the given key.


fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.containsRegex(pattern: String, vararg otherPatterns: String): Expect<T>
fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.containsRegex(pattern: Regex, vararg otherPatterns: Regex): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) contains a sequence which matches the given regular expression pattern as well as the otherPatterns (if given), using a non disjoint search.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.containsRegex(pattern: String): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) contains a sequence which matches the given regular expression pattern.


fun Expect<LocalDate>.day(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<LocalDate>

Expects that the property LocalDate.dayOfMonth of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.

fun Expect<LocalDateTime>.day(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<LocalDateTime>

Expects that the property LocalDateTime.dayOfMonth of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.

fun Expect<ZonedDateTime>.day(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<ZonedDateTime>

Expects that the property ZonedDateTime.dayOfMonth of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun Expect<LocalDate>.day(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<LocalDate>

Expects that the property LocalDate.dayOfMonth of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.

infix fun Expect<LocalDateTime>.day(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<LocalDateTime>

Expects that the property LocalDateTime.dayOfMonth of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.

infix fun Expect<ZonedDateTime>.day(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<ZonedDateTime>

Expects that the property ZonedDateTime.dayOfMonth of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : LocalDate> Expect<T>.day(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property LocalDate.dayOfMonth of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun Expect<LocalDate>.dayOfWeek(assertionCreator: Expect<DayOfWeek>.() -> Unit): Expect<LocalDate>

Expects that the property LocalDate.getDayOfWeek of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.

fun Expect<LocalDateTime>.dayOfWeek(assertionCreator: Expect<DayOfWeek>.() -> Unit): Expect<LocalDateTime>

Expects that the property LocalDateTime.dayOfWeekof the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.

fun Expect<ZonedDateTime>.dayOfWeek(assertionCreator: Expect<DayOfWeek>.() -> Unit): Expect<ZonedDateTime>

Expects that the property ZonedDatetime.dayOfWeek of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun Expect<LocalDate>.dayOfWeek(assertionCreator: Expect<DayOfWeek>.() -> Unit): Expect<LocalDate>

Expects that the property LocalDate.getDayOfWeek of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.

infix fun Expect<LocalDateTime>.dayOfWeek(assertionCreator: Expect<DayOfWeek>.() -> Unit): Expect<LocalDateTime>

Expects that the property LocalDateTime.dayOfWeekof the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.

infix fun Expect<ZonedDateTime>.dayOfWeek(assertionCreator: Expect<DayOfWeek>.() -> Unit): Expect<ZonedDateTime>

Expects that the property ZonedDatetime.dayOfWeek of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : LocalDate> Expect<T>.dayOfWeek(assertionCreator: Expect<DayOfWeek>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property LocalDate.getDayOfWeek of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.endsNotWith(expected: CharSequence): Expect<T>
fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.endsNotWith(expected: Char): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) does not end with expected.

fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.endsNotWith(expected: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) does not end with the expected Path;


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.endsNotWith(expected: CharSequence): Expect<T>
infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.endsNotWith(expected: Char): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) does not end with expected.

infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.endsNotWith(expected: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) does not end with the expected Path;


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.endsNotWith(expected: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) does not end with the expected Path;


fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.endsWith(expected: CharSequence): Expect<T>
fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.endsWith(expected: Char): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) ends with expected.

fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.endsWith(expected: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) ends with the expected Path.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.endsWith(expected: CharSequence): Expect<T>
infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.endsWith(expected: Char): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) ends with expected.

infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.endsWith(expected: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) ends with the expected Path.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.endsWith(expected: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) ends with the expected Path.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.exists(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) exists; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.exists(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) exists; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.existsNot(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) does not exist; meaning that there is no file system entry at the location the Path points to.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.existsNot(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) does not exist; meaning that there is no file system entry at the location the Path points to.


fun <T, R> Expect<T>.expect(newSubject: R): FeatureExpect<T, R>


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.extension(assertionCreator: Expect<String>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Path.extension (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.extension(assertionCreator: Expect<String>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Path.extension (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.extension(assertionCreator: Expect<String>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Path.extension (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T, R> Expect<T>.feature(property: KProperty1<in T, R>): FeatureExpect<T, R>

Extracts the property out of the current subject of the assertion, creates a new Expect for it and returns it so that subsequent calls are based on the feature.

fun <T, R> Expect<T>.feature(property: KProperty1<in T, R>, assertionCreator: Expect<R>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Extracts the property out of the current subject of the assertion, creates a new Expect for it, applies an assertion group based on the given assertionCreator for the feature and returns the initial Expect with the current subject.

fun <T, R> Expect<T>.feature(f: KFunction1<T, R>): FeatureExpect<T, R>

Extracts the value which is returned when calling f on the current subject of the assertion, creates a new Expect for it and returns it so that subsequent calls are based on the feature.

fun <T, R> Expect<T>.feature(f: KFunction1<T, R>, assertionCreator: Expect<R>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Extracts the value which is returned when calling f on the current subject of the assertion, creates a new Expect for it, applies an assertion group based on the given assertionCreator for the feature and returns the initial Expect with the current subject.

fun <T, A1, R> Expect<T>.feature(f: KFunction2<T, A1, R>, a1: A1): FeatureExpect<T, R>

Extracts the value which is returned when calling f with argument a1 on the current subject of the assertion, creates a new Expect for it and returns it so that subsequent calls are based on the feature.

fun <T, A1, R> Expect<T>.feature(f: KFunction2<T, A1, R>, a1: A1, assertionCreator: Expect<R>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Extracts the value which is returned when calling f with argument a1 on the current subject of the assertion, creates a new Expect for it, applies an assertion group based on the given assertionCreator for the feature and returns the initial Expect with the current subject.

fun <T, A1, A2, R> Expect<T>.feature(f: KFunction3<T, A1, A2, R>, a1: A1, a2: A2): FeatureExpect<T, R>

Extracts the value which is returned when calling f with arguments a1, a2 on the current subject of the assertion, creates a new Expect for it and returns it so that subsequent calls are based on the feature.

fun <T, A1, A2, R> Expect<T>.feature(f: KFunction3<T, A1, A2, R>, a1: A1, a2: A2, assertionCreator: Expect<R>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Extracts the value which is returned when calling f with argument a1, a2 on the current subject of the assertion, creates a new Expect for it, applies an assertion group based on the given assertionCreator for the feature and returns the initial Expect with the current subject.

fun <T, A1, A2, A3, R> Expect<T>.feature(f: KFunction4<T, A1, A2, A3, R>, a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3): FeatureExpect<T, R>

Extracts the value which is returned when calling f with arguments a1, a2, a3 on the current subject of the assertion, creates a new Expect for it and returns it so that subsequent calls are based on the feature.

fun <T, A1, A2, A3, R> Expect<T>.feature(f: KFunction4<T, A1, A2, A3, R>, a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, assertionCreator: Expect<R>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Extracts the value which is returned when calling f with argument a1, a2, a3 on the current subject of the assertion, creates a new Expect for it, applies an assertion group based on the given assertionCreator for the feature and returns the initial Expect with the current subject.

fun <T, A1, A2, A3, A4, R> Expect<T>.feature(f: KFunction5<T, A1, A2, A3, A4, R>, a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4): FeatureExpect<T, R>

Extracts the value which is returned when calling f with arguments a1, a2, a3, a4 on the current subject of the assertion, creates a new Expect for it and returns it so that subsequent calls are based on the feature.

fun <T, A1, A2, A3, A4, R> Expect<T>.feature(f: KFunction5<T, A1, A2, A3, A4, R>, a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, assertionCreator: Expect<R>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Extracts the value which is returned when calling f with argument a1, a2, a3, a4 on the current subject of the assertion, creates a new Expect for it, applies an assertion group based on the given assertionCreator for the feature and returns the initial Expect with the current subject.

fun <T, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, R> Expect<T>.feature(f: KFunction6<T, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, R>, a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5): FeatureExpect<T, R>

Extracts the value which is returned when calling f with arguments a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 on the current subject of the assertion, creates a new Expect for it and returns it so that subsequent calls are based on the feature.

fun <T, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, R> Expect<T>.feature(f: KFunction6<T, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, R>, a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5, assertionCreator: Expect<R>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Extracts the value which is returned when calling f with argument a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 on the current subject of the assertion, creates a new Expect for it, applies an assertion group based on the given assertionCreator for the feature and returns the initial Expect with the current subject.

fun <T, R> Expect<T>.feature(description: String, provider: T.() -> R): FeatureExpect<T, R>

Extracts a feature out of the current subject of the assertion based on the given provider and using the given description, creates a new Expect for it and returns it so that subsequent calls are based on the feature.

fun <T, R> Expect<T>.feature(description: String, provider: T.() -> R, assertionCreator: Expect<R>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Extracts a feature out of the current subject of the assertion based on the given provider and using the given description, creates a new Expect for it, applies an assertion group based on the given assertionCreator for the feature and returns the initial Expect with the current subject.

fun <T, R> Expect<T>.feature(provider: MetaFeatureOption<T>.(T) -> MetaFeature<R>): FeatureExpect<T, R>

Extracts a feature out of the current subject of the assertion, based on the given provider, creates a new Expect for it and returns it so that subsequent calls are based on the feature.

fun <T, R> Expect<T>.feature(provider: MetaFeatureOption<T>.(T) -> MetaFeature<R>, assertionCreator: Expect<R>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Extracts a feature out of the current subject of the assertion, based on the given provider, creates a new Expect for it, applies an assertion group based on the given assertionCreator for the feature and returns the initial Expect with the current subject.


infix fun <T, R> Expect<T>.feature(property: KProperty1<in T, R>): FeatureExpect<T, R>

Extracts the property out of the current subject of the assertion, creates a new Expect for it and returns it so that subsequent calls are based on the feature.

infix fun <T, R> Expect<T>.feature(f: KFunction1<T, R>): FeatureExpect<T, R>

Extracts the value which is returned when calling the method f on the current subject of the assertion, creates a new Expect for it and returns it so that subsequent calls are based on the feature.

infix fun <T, R> Expect<T>.feature(of: Feature<in T, R>): FeatureExpect<T, R>

Extracts a feature out of the current subject of the assertion using the given Feature.extractor, creates a new Expect for it and returns it so that subsequent calls are based on the feature.

infix fun <T, R> Expect<T>.feature(of: FeatureWithCreator<in T, R>): Expect<T>

Extracts a feature out of the current subject of the assertion using the given FeatureWithCreator.extractor, creates a new Expect for it, applies an assertion group based on the given FeatureWithCreator.assertionCreator for the feature and returns the initial Expect with the current subject.

infix fun <T, R> Expect<T>.feature(provider: MetaFeatureOption<T>.(T) -> MetaFeature<R>): FeatureExpect<T, R>

Extracts a feature out of the current subject of the assertion, based on the given provider, creates a new Expect for it and returns it so that subsequent calls are based on the feature.

infix fun <T, R> Expect<T>.feature(of: MetaFeatureOptionWithCreator<T, R>): Expect<T>

Extracts a feature out of the current subject of the assertion, based on the given MetaFeatureOptionWithCreator creates a new Expect for it, applies an assertion group based on the given MetaFeatureOptionWithCreator.assertionCreator for the feature and returns the initial Expect with the current subject.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.fileName(assertionCreator: Expect<String>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Path.fileNameAsString (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.fileName(assertionCreator: Expect<String>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Path.fileNameAsString (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.fileName(assertionCreator: Expect<String>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Path.fileNameAsString (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.fileNameWithoutExtension(assertionCreator: Expect<String>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Path.fileNameWithoutExtension (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.fileNameWithoutExtension(assertionCreator: Expect<String>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Path.fileNameWithoutExtension (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.fileNameWithoutExtension(assertionCreator: Expect<String>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Path.fileNameWithoutExtension (provided via niok) of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <K, V, T : Pair<K, V>> Expect<T>.first(assertionCreator: Expect<K>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Pair.first of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun <K, V, T : Pair<K, V>> Expect<T>.first(assertionCreator: Expect<K>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Pair.first of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <E, T : List<E>> Expect<T>.get(index: Int): Expect<E>

Expects that the given index is within the bounds of the subject of the assertion (a List) and returns an Expect for the element at that position.

fun <E, T : List<E>> Expect<T>.get(index: Int, assertionCreator: Expect<E>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the given index is within the bounds of the subject of the assertion (a List) and that the element at that position holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it.


infix fun <E, T : List<E>> Expect<T>.get(index: Int): Expect<E>

Expects that the given index is within the bounds of the subject of the assertion (a List) and returns an Expect for the element at that position.

infix fun <E, T : List<E>> Expect<T>.get(index: IndexWithCreator<E>): Expect<T>

Expects that the given index is within the bounds of the subject of the assertion (a List) and that the element at that position holds all assertions the given IndexWithCreator.assertionCreator creates for it.


fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Expect<T>.getExisting(key: K): Expect<V>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Map) contains the given key, creates an Expect for the corresponding value and returns the newly created assertion container, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Expect<T>.getExisting(key: K, assertionCreator: Expect<V>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Map) contains the given key and that the corresponding value holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it.


infix fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Expect<T>.getExisting(key: K): Expect<V>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Map) contains the given key, creates an Expect for the corresponding value and returns the newly created assertion container, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

infix fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Expect<T>.getExisting(key: KeyWithCreator<K, V>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Map) contains the given key and that the corresponding value holds all assertions the given KeyWithCreator.assertionCreator creates for it.


infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.has(next: next): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) has at least one element.

infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.has(directoryEntries: DirectoryEntries): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is a directory having the provided entries. That means that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that it is a directory. Furthermore, every argument string resolved against the subject yields an existing file system entry.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.hasDirectoryEntry(entry: String, vararg otherEntries: String): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is a directory having the provided entries. That means that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that it is a directory. Furthermore, every argument string resolved against the subject yields an existing file system entry.


infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.hasDirectoryEntry(entry: String): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is a directory having the provided entry. That means that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that it is a directory. Furthermore, the argument string resolved against the subject yields an existing file system entry.


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.hasNext(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) has at least one element.


infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.hasNot(next: next): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) does not have next element.


fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.hasNotNext(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) does not have next element.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.hasSameBinaryContentAs(targetPath: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) has the same binary content as targetPath.


infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.hasSameBinaryContentAs(targetPath: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) has the same binary content as targetPath.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.hasSameBinaryContentAs(targetPath: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) has the same binary content as targetPath.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.hasSameTextualContentAs(targetPath: Path, sourceCharset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8, targetCharset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) has the same textual content as targetPath taking the given encodings into account (UTF-8 if none given).


infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.hasSameTextualContentAs(targetPath: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) has the same textual content as targetPath (using UTF-8 for encoding)

infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.hasSameTextualContentAs(pathWithEncoding: PathWithEncoding): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) has the same textual content as PathWithEncoding.path in the given pathWithEncoding with the specified encodings.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.hasSameTextualContentAs(targetPath: Path, sourceCharset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8, targetCharset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) has the same textual content as targetPath.


fun <T : Collection<*>> Expect<T>.hasSize(expected: Int): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Collection) has the given expected size.


infix fun <T : Collection<*>> Expect<T>.hasSize(expected: Int): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Collection) has the given expected size.


fun <TSub : Any> Expect<*>.isA(): Expect<TSub>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is a TSub (the same type or a sub-type) and changes the subject to this type.

fun <TSub : Any> Expect<*>.isA(assertionCreator: Expect<TSub>.() -> Unit): Expect<TSub>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is a TSub (the same type or a sub-type) and that it holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates.


fun <TSub : Any> Expect<*>.isA(): Expect<TSub>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is a TSub (the same type or a sub-type) and changes the subject to this type.

infix fun <TSub : Any> Expect<*>.isA(assertionCreator: Expect<TSub>.() -> Unit): Expect<TSub>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is a TSub (the same type or a sub-type) and that it holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.isAbsolute(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is an absolute path; meaning that the Path specified in this instance starts at the file system root.


fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isAfter(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is after the expected.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isAfter(expected: String): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is after the expected given as String. The expected parameter needs to be in the form of yyyy-mm-dd or else a java.time.DateTimeException will be thrown.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isAfter(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is after the expected.

fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isAfter(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is after the expected.


infix fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isAfter(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is after the expected.

infix fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isAfter(expected: String): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is after the expected given as String. The expected parameter needs to be in the form of yyyy-mm-dd or else a java.time.DateTimeException will be thrown.

infix fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isAfter(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is after the expected.

infix fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isAfter(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is after the expected.


fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isAfter(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is after the expected.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isAfter(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is after the expected.

fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isAfter(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is after the expected.


fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isAfterOrEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is after or equal the expected.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isAfterOrEqual(expected: String): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is after or equal the expected given as String. The expected parameter needs to be in the form of yyyy-mm-dd or else a java.time.DateTimeException will be thrown.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isAfterOrEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is after or equal the expected.

fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isAfterOrEqual(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is after or equal the expected.


infix fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isAfterOrEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is after or equal the expected.

infix fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isAfterOrEqual(expected: String): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is after or equal the expected given as String. The expected parameter needs to be in the form of yyyy-mm-dd or else a java.time.DateTimeException will be thrown.

infix fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isAfterOrEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is after or equal the expected.

infix fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isAfterOrEqual(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is after or equal the expected.


fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isAfterOrEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is after or equal the expected.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isAfterOrEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is after or equal the expected.

fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isAfterOrEqual(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is after or equal the expected.


fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isBefore(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is before the expected.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isBefore(expected: String): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is before the expected given as String. The expected parameter needs to be in the form of yyyy-mm-dd or else a java.time.DateTimeException will be thrown.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isBefore(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is before the expected.

fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isBefore(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is before the expected.


infix fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isBefore(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is before the expected.

infix fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isBefore(expected: String): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is before the expected given as String. The expected parameter needs to be in the form of yyyy-mm-dd or else a java.time.DateTimeException will be thrown.

infix fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isBefore(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is before the expected.

infix fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isBefore(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is before the expected.


fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isBefore(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is before the expected.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isBefore(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is before the expected.

fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isBefore(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is before the expected.


fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isBeforeOrEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is before or equal the expected.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isBeforeOrEqual(expected: String): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is before or equal the expected given as String. The expected parameter needs to be in the form of yyyy-mm-dd or else a java.time.DateTimeException will be thrown.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isBeforeOrEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is before or equal the expected.

fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isBeforeOrEqual(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is before or equals the expected.


infix fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isBeforeOrEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is before or equal the expected.

infix fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isBeforeOrEqual(expected: String): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is before or equal the expected given as String. The expected parameter needs to be in the form of yyyy-mm-dd or else a java.time.DateTimeException will be thrown.

infix fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isBeforeOrEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is before or equal the expected.

infix fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isBeforeOrEqual(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is before or equals the expected.


fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isBeforeOrEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is before or equal the expected.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isBeforeOrEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is before or equal the expected.

fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isBeforeOrEqual(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is before or equals the expected.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.isDirectory(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is a directory; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that is a directory.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.isDirectory(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is a directory; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that is a directory.


fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.isEmpty(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) CharSequence.kotlin.text.isEmpty.


fun <T : Optional<*>> Expect<T>.isEmpty(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Optional) is empty (not present).


fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is equal to the expected.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isEqual(expected: String): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is equal to the expected given as String. The expected parameter needs to be in the form of yyyy-mm-dd or else a java.time.DateTimeException will be thrown.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is equal to the expected.

fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isEqual(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is equal to the expected.


infix fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is equal to the expected.

infix fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isEqual(expected: String): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is equal to the expected given as String. The expected parameter needs to be in the form of yyyy-mm-dd or else a java.time.DateTimeException will be thrown.

infix fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is equal to the expected.

infix fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isEqual(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is equal to the expected.


fun <T : ChronoLocalDate> Expect<T>.isEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDate): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDate) is equal to the expected.

fun <T : ChronoLocalDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isEqual(expected: ChronoLocalDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoLocalDateTime) is equal to the expected.

fun <T : ChronoZonedDateTime<out ChronoLocalDate>> Expect<T>.isEqual(expected: ChronoZonedDateTime<*>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a ChronoZonedDateTime) is equal to the expected.


fun <T : Comparable<T>> Expect<T>.isEqualComparingTo(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is equal to expected where the comparison is carried out with Comparable.compareTo.


infix fun <T : Comparable<T>> Expect<T>.isEqualComparingTo(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is equal to expected where the comparison is carried out with Comparable.compareTo.


fun <T : BigDecimal> Expect<T>.isEqualIncludingScale(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a BigDecimal) is equal to expected including BigDecimal.scale.


infix fun <T : BigDecimal> Expect<T>.isEqualIncludingScale(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a BigDecimal) is equal to expected including BigDecimal.scale.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.isExecutable(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is executable; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that the current thread has the permission to execute it.


fun <TExpected : Throwable> Expect<out Result<*>>.isFailure(): Expect<TExpected>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Result) is a Failure and that it encapsulates an exception of type TExpected.

fun <TExpected : Throwable> Expect<out Result<*>>.isFailure(assertionCreator: Expect<TExpected>.() -> Unit): Expect<TExpected>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Result) is a Failure, it encapsulates an exception of type TExpected and that the exception holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates.


fun <TExpected : Throwable> Expect<out Result<*>>.isFailure(): Expect<TExpected>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Result) is a Failure and that it encapsulates an exception of type TExpected.

infix fun <TExpected : Throwable> Expect<out Result<*>>.isFailure(assertionCreator: Expect<TExpected>.() -> Unit): Expect<TExpected>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Result) is a Failure, it encapsulates an exception of type TExpected and that the exception holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates.


fun <T : Comparable<T>> Expect<T>.isGreaterThan(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is greater than expected. The comparison is carried out with Comparable.compareTo.


infix fun <T : Comparable<T>> Expect<T>.isGreaterThan(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is greater than expected. The comparison is carried out with Comparable.compareTo.


fun <T : Comparable<T>> Expect<T>.isGreaterThanOrEqual(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is greater than or equal expected. The comparison is carried out with Comparable.compareTo.


infix fun <T : Comparable<T>> Expect<T>.isGreaterThanOrEqual(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is greater than or equal expected. The comparison is carried out with Comparable.compareTo.


fun <K, V, T : Entry<K, V>> Expect<T>.isKeyValue(key: K, value: V): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Map.Entry.key of the subject of the assertion is equal to the given key and the property Map.Entry.value is equal to the given value.


infix fun <K, V, T : Entry<K, V>> Expect<T>.isKeyValue(keyValuePair: Pair<K, V>): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Map.Entry.key of the subject of the assertion is equal to the given key and the property Map.Entry.value is equal to the given value.


fun <T : Comparable<T>> Expect<T>.isLessThan(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is less than expected. The comparison is carried out with Comparable.compareTo.


infix fun <T : Comparable<T>> Expect<T>.isLessThan(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is less than expected. The comparison is carried out with Comparable.compareTo.


fun <T : Comparable<T>> Expect<T>.isLessThanOrEqual(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is less than or equal expected. The comparison is carried out with Comparable.compareTo.


infix fun <T : Comparable<T>> Expect<T>.isLessThanOrEqual(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is less than or equal expected. The comparison is carried out with Comparable.compareTo.


fun <T> Expect<T>.isNoneOf(expected: T, vararg otherValues: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is not (equal to) expected and otherValues.


infix fun <T> Expect<T>.isNoneOf(values: Values<T>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is not (equal to) in values.


fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.isNotBlank(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) CharSequence.kotlin.text.isNotBlank.


fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.isNotEmpty(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) CharSequence.kotlin.text.isNotEmpty.


fun <T : BigDecimal> Expect<T>.isNotEqualIncludingScale(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a BigDecimal) is not equal to expected including BigDecimal.scale.


infix fun <T : BigDecimal> Expect<T>.isNotEqualIncludingScale(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a BigDecimal) is not equal to expected including BigDecimal.scale.


fun <T> Expect<T>.isNotIn(expected: IterableLike): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is not (equal to) any value of expected.


infix fun <T> Expect<T>.isNotIn(expected: IterableLike): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is not (equal to) any value of expected.


fun <T : BigDecimal> Expect<T>.isNotNumericallyEqualTo(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a BigDecimal) is not numerically equal to expected.


infix fun <T : BigDecimal> Expect<T>.isNotNumericallyEqualTo(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a BigDecimal) is not numerically equal to expected.


fun <T> Expect<T>.isNotSameAs(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is not the same instance as expected.


infix fun <T> Expect<T>.isNotSameAs(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is not the same instance as expected.


fun <T : BigDecimal> Expect<T>.isNumericallyEqualTo(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a BigDecimal) is numerically equal to expected.


infix fun <T : BigDecimal> Expect<T>.isNumericallyEqualTo(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a BigDecimal) is numerically equal to expected.


fun <E, T : Optional<E>> Expect<T>.isPresent(): Expect<E>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Optional) is present and returns an Expect for the inner type E.

fun <E, T : Optional<E>> Expect<T>.isPresent(assertionCreator: Expect<E>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Optional) is present and that it holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates.


fun <E, T : Optional<E>> Expect<T>.isPresent(): Expect<E>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Optional) is present and returns an Expect for the inner type E.

fun <E, T : Optional<E>> Expect<T>.isPresent(assertionCreator: Expect<E>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Optional) is present and that it holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.isReadable(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is readable; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that the current thread has the permission to read from it.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.isReadable(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is readable; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that the current thread has the permission to read from it.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.isRegularFile(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is a file; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that is a regular file.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.isRegularFile(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is a file; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that is a regular file.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.isRelative(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is a relative path; meaning that the Path specified in this instance does not start at the file system root.


fun <T> Expect<T>.isSameAs(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is the same instance as expected.


infix fun <T> Expect<T>.isSameAs(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is the same instance as expected.


fun <E, T : Result<E>> Expect<T>.isSuccess(): Expect<E>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Result) is a Success and returns an Expect for the inner type E.

fun <E, T : Result<E>> Expect<T>.isSuccess(assertionCreator: Expect<E>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Result) is a Success and that it holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.isWritable(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is writable; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that the current thread has the permission to write to it.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.isWritable(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is writable; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that the current thread has the permission to write to it.


infix fun <T> Expect<T>.it(assertionCreator: Expect<T>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Can be used to create a group of sub assertions when using the fluent API.


fun <K, V, T : Entry<K, V>> Expect<T>.key(assertionCreator: Expect<K>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Map.Entry.key of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun <K, V, T : Entry<K, V>> Expect<T>.key(assertionCreator: Expect<K>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Map.Entry.key of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Expect<T>.keys(assertionCreator: Expect<Set<K>>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Map.keys of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Expect<T>.keys(assertionCreator: Expect<Set<K>>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Map.keys of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.matches(expected: Regex): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) matches the given expected.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.matches(expected: Regex): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) matches the given expected.


fun <E : Comparable<E>, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.max(): Expect<E>

Creates an Expect for the result of calling max() on the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

fun <E : Comparable<E>, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.max(assertionCreator: Expect<E>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the result of calling max() on the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun <E : Comparable<E>, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.max(o: o): Expect<E>

Creates an Expect for the result of calling max() on the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

infix fun <E : Comparable<E>, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.max(assertionCreator: Expect<E>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the result of calling max() on the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : Throwable> Expect<T>.message(assertionCreator: Expect<String>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Throwable.message of the subject of the assertion is not null and holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun <T : Throwable> Expect<T>.message(assertionCreator: Expect<String>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Throwable.message of the subject of the assertion is not null and holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : Throwable> Expect<T>.messageContains(expected: CharSequenceOrNumberOrChar, vararg otherExpected: CharSequenceOrNumberOrChar): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Throwable.message of the subject of the assertion is not null and contains expected's toString representation and the toString representation of the otherExpected (if given), using a non disjoint search.


infix fun <T : Throwable> Expect<T>.messageContains(expected: CharSequenceOrNumberOrChar): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Throwable.message of the subject of the assertion is not null and contains expected's toString representation using a non disjoint search.

infix fun <T : Throwable> Expect<T>.messageContains(values: Values<Any>): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Throwable.message of the subject of the assertion is not null and contains values's toString representation using a non disjoint search.


fun <E : Comparable<E>, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.min(): Expect<E>

Creates an Expect for the result of calling min() on the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

fun <E : Comparable<E>, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.min(assertionCreator: Expect<E>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the result of calling min() on the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun <E : Comparable<E>, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.min(o: o): Expect<E>

Creates an Expect for the result of calling min() on the subject of the assertion, so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

infix fun <E : Comparable<E>, T : Iterable<E>> Expect<T>.min(assertionCreator: Expect<E>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the result of calling min() on the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.mismatches(expected: Regex): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) mismatches the given expected.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.mismatches(expected: Regex): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) mismatches the given expected.


fun Expect<LocalDate>.month(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<LocalDate>

Expects that the property LocalDate.monthValue of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.

fun Expect<LocalDateTime>.month(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<LocalDateTime>

Expects that the property LocalDateTime.monthValueof the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.

fun Expect<ZonedDateTime>.month(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<ZonedDateTime>

Expects that the property ZonedDateTime.monthValue of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun Expect<LocalDate>.month(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<LocalDate>

Expects that the property LocalDate.monthValue of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.

infix fun Expect<LocalDateTime>.month(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<LocalDateTime>

Expects that the property LocalDateTime.monthValueof the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.

infix fun Expect<ZonedDateTime>.month(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<ZonedDateTime>

Expects that the property ZonedDateTime.monthValue of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : LocalDate> Expect<T>.month(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property LocalDate.monthValue of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Expect<T>.none(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) has at least one element and that it either does not contain a single entry which holds all assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or that it does not contain a single entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.


infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Expect<T>.none(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Iterable) has at least one element and that it either does not contain a single entry which holds all assertions created by assertionCreatorOrNull or that it does not contain a single entry which is null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null.


fun <T> Expect<T>.notToBe(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is not (equal to) expected.


infix fun <T> Expect<T>.notToBe(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is not (equal to) expected.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.notToBe(empty: empty): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) CharSequence.kotlin.text.isNotEmpty.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.notToBe(blank: blank): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) CharSequence.kotlin.text.isNotBlank.

infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.notToBe(existing: existing): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) does not exist; meaning that there is no file system entry at the location the Path points to.


fun <T : Any> Expect<T?>.notToBeNull(): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is not null and changes the subject to the non-nullable version.

fun <T : Any> Expect<T?>.notToBeNull(assertionCreator: Expect<T>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is not null and that it holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates.


infix fun <T : Any> Expect<T?>.notToBeNull(o: o): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is not null and changes the subject to the non-nullable version.

infix fun <T : Any> Expect<T?>.notToBeNull(assertionCreator: Expect<T>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is not null and that it holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates.


fun <R, T : () -> R> Expect<T>.notToThrow(): Expect<R>

Expects that no Throwable is thrown at all when calling the subject (a lambda with arity 0, i.e. without arguments) and changes the subject of the assertion to the return value of type R.

fun <R, T : () -> R> Expect<T>.notToThrow(assertionCreator: Expect<R>.() -> Unit): Expect<R>

Expects that no Throwable is thrown at all when calling the subject (a lambda with arity 0, i.e. without arguments) and that the corresponding return value holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates.


fun <R, T : () -> R> Expect<T>.notToThrow(): Expect<R>

Expects that no Throwable is thrown at all when calling the subject (a lambda with arity 0, i.e. without arguments) and changes the subject of the assertion to the return value of type R.

infix fun <R, T : () -> R> Expect<T>.notToThrow(assertionCreator: Expect<R>.() -> Unit): Expect<R>

Expects that no Throwable is thrown at all when calling the subject (a lambda with arity 0, i.e. without arguments) and that the corresponding return value holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.parent(assertionCreator: Expect<Path>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that this Path has a parent, that the parent holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.parent(assertionCreator: Expect<Path>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that this Path has a parent, that the parent holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.parent(assertionCreator: Expect<Path>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that this Path has a parent, that the parent holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.resolve(other: String): Expect<Path>

Expects that other resolves against this Path and creates an Expect for the resolved Path so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.resolve(other: String, assertionCreator: Expect<Path>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that other resolves against this Path, that the resolved Path holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.resolve(other: String): Expect<Path>

Expects that other resolves against this Path and creates an Expect for the resolved Path so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.resolve(path: PathWithCreator<Path>): Expect<T>

Expects that PathWithCreator.path resolves against this Path, that the resolved Path holds all assertions the given PathWithCreator.assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.resolve(other: String): Expect<Path>

Expects that other resolves against this Path and creates an Expect for the resolved Path so that further fluent calls are assertions about it.

fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.resolve(other: String, assertionCreator: Expect<Path>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that other resolves against this Path, that the resolved Path holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <K, V, T : Pair<K, V>> Expect<T>.second(assertionCreator: Expect<V>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Pair.second of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun <K, V, T : Pair<K, V>> Expect<T>.second(assertionCreator: Expect<V>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Pair.second of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <E, T : Collection<E>> Expect<T>.size(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Collection.size of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun <E, T : Collection<E>> Expect<T>.size(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Collection.size of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.startsNotWith(expected: CharSequence): Expect<T>
fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.startsNotWith(expected: Char): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) does not start with expected.

fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.startsNotWith(expected: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) does not start with the expected.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.startsNotWith(expected: CharSequence): Expect<T>
infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.startsNotWith(expected: Char): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) does not start with expected.

infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.startsNotWith(expected: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) does not start with the expected.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.startsNotWith(expected: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) does not start with the expected.


fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.startsWith(expected: CharSequence): Expect<T>
fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.startsWith(expected: Char): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) starts with expected.

fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.startsWith(expected: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) starts with the expected.


infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.startsWith(expected: CharSequence): Expect<T>
infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.startsWith(expected: Char): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) starts with expected.

infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.startsWith(expected: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) starts with the expected.


fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.startsWith(expected: Path): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) starts with the expected.


fun <T> Expect<T>.toAssertionContainer(): AssertionContainer<T>

Casts this Expect to an AssertionContainer so that you have access to the functionality provided on the logic level.


fun <T> Expect<T>.toBe(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is (equal to) expected.

fun <T : BigDecimal> Expect<T?>.toBe(expected: Nothing?): Expect<T?>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a BigDecimal) is null.


infix fun <T> Expect<T>.toBe(expected: T): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is (equal to) expected.

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Expect<T>.toBe(empty: empty): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a CharSequence) CharSequence.kotlin.text.isEmpty.

infix fun <T : BigDecimal> Expect<T?>.toBe(expected: Nothing?): Expect<T?>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a BigDecimal) is null.

infix fun <E, T : Optional<E>> Expect<T>.toBe(present: present): FeatureExpect<T, E>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Optional) is present and returns an Expect for the inner type E.

infix fun <E, T : Optional<E>> Expect<T>.toBe(present: PresentWithCreator<E>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (an Optional) is present and that it holds all assertions the given PresentWithCreator.assertionCreator creates.

infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.toBe(existing: existing): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) exists; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to.

infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.toBe(readable: readable): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is readable; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that the current thread has the permission to read from it.

infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.toBe(writable: writable): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is writable; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that the current thread has the permission to write to it.

infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.toBe(executable: executable): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is executable; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that the current thread has the permission to execute it.

infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.toBe(aRegularFile: aRegularFile): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is a file; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that is a regular file.

infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.toBe(aDirectory: aDirectory): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is a directory; meaning that there is a file system entry at the location the Path points to and that is a directory.

infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.toBe(absolute: absolute): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is an absolute path; meaning that the Path specified in this instance starts at the file system root.

infix fun <T : Path> Expect<T>.toBe(relative: relative): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Path) is a relative path; meaning that the Path specified in this instance does not start at the file system root.


infix fun <E, T : Result<E>> Expect<T>.toBe(success: success): Expect<E>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Result) is a Success and returns an Expect for the inner type E.

infix fun <E, T : Result<E>> Expect<T>.toBe(success: SuccessWithCreator<E>): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Result]) is a Success and that it holds all assertions the given SuccessWithCreator.assertionCreator creates.


fun <T : Any> Expect<T?>.toBeNullIfNullGivenElse(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Expect<T>.() -> Unit)?): Expect<T?>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is either null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is null or is not null and holds all assertions assertionCreatorOrNull creates.


infix fun <T : Any> Expect<T?>.toBeNullIfNullGivenElse(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Expect<T>.() -> Unit)?): Expect<T?>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is either null in case assertionCreatorOrNull is null or is not null and holds all assertions assertionCreatorOrNull creates.


fun Expect<Float>.toBeWithErrorTolerance(expected: Float, tolerance: Float): Expect<Float>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Float) is equal to expected with an error tolerance (range including bounds).

fun Expect<Double>.toBeWithErrorTolerance(expected: Double, tolerance: Double): Expect<Double>

Expects that the subject of the assertion (a Double) is equal to expected with an error tolerance (range including bounds).

fun <T : BigDecimal> Expect<T>.toBeWithErrorTolerance(expected: BigDecimal, tolerance: BigDecimal): Expect<T>

Expects that the subject of the assertion is equal to expected with an error tolerance (range including bounds).


fun <TExpected : Throwable> Expect<() -> Any?>.toThrow(): Expect<TExpected>

Expects that the thrown Throwable is a TExpected (the same type or a sub-type).

fun <TExpected : Throwable> Expect<() -> Any?>.toThrow(assertionCreator: Expect<TExpected>.() -> Unit): Expect<TExpected>

Expects that the thrown Throwable is a TExpected (the same type or a sub-type) and that it holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates.


fun <TExpected : Throwable> Expect<() -> Any?>.toThrow(): Expect<TExpected>

Expects that the thrown Throwable is a TExpected (the same type or a sub-type).

infix fun <TExpected : Throwable> Expect<() -> Any?>.toThrow(assertionCreator: Expect<TExpected>.() -> Unit): Expect<TExpected>

Expects that the thrown Throwable is a TExpected (the same type or a sub-type) and that it holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates.


fun <K, V, T : Entry<K, V>> Expect<T>.value(assertionCreator: Expect<V>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Map.Entry.value of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun <K, V, T : Entry<K, V>> Expect<T>.value(assertionCreator: Expect<V>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Map.Entry.value of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Expect<T>.values(assertionCreator: Expect<Collection<V>>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Map.keys of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun <K, V, T : Map<out K, V>> Expect<T>.values(assertionCreator: Expect<Collection<V>>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property Map.keys of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun Expect<LocalDate>.year(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<LocalDate>

Expects that the property LocalDate.yearof the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.

fun Expect<LocalDateTime>.year(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<LocalDateTime>

Expects that the property LocalDateTime.year of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.

fun Expect<ZonedDateTime>.year(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<ZonedDateTime>

Expects that the property ZonedDateTime.year of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


infix fun Expect<LocalDate>.year(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<LocalDate>

Expects that the property LocalDate.yearof the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.

infix fun Expect<LocalDateTime>.year(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<LocalDateTime>

Expects that the property LocalDateTime.year of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.

infix fun Expect<ZonedDateTime>.year(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<ZonedDateTime>

Expects that the property ZonedDateTime.year of the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.


fun <T : LocalDate> Expect<T>.year(assertionCreator: Expect<Int>.() -> Unit): Expect<T>

Expects that the property LocalDate.yearof the subject of the assertion holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates for it and returns an Expect for the current subject of the assertion.



interface CollectingAssertionContainer<T> : Expect<T>

Represents a container for Assertion which is intended to serve as receiver object for lambdas which create Assertions, in which this Expect collects the assertions created this ways.


interface CollectingExpect<T> : Expect<T>

Represents a container for Assertion which is intended to serve as receiver object for lambdas which create Assertions, in which this Expect collects the assertions created this way.


interface DelegatingExpect<T> : Expect<T>

Represents an Expect which passes on appended assertions to a given AssertionHolder.


interface ExpectInternal<T> : Expect<T>, AssertionContainer<T>

Sole purpose of this interface is to hide AssertionContainer from newcomers which usually don't have to deal with this.


interface FeatureExpect<T, R> : Expect<R>

Represents an Expect which results due to a change of the Expect.maybeSubject to a feature of the subject.


interface RootExpect<T> : Expect<T>

Represents the root of an Expect chain, intended as extension point for functionality which should only be available on the root.