doc / / ContainsBuilder


abstract class ContainsBuilder<out T : Any, out S : Contains.SearchBehaviour> : Contains.Builder<T, S>
Deprecated: Use the interface Contains.Builder instead; will be removed with 1.0.0

Represents the deprecated base class for builders representing the entry point of the process of building a sophisticated contains assertion.


T - The type of the AssertionPlant.subject.

S - The type of the current Contains.SearchBehaviour.



ContainsBuilder(subjectProvider: AssertionPlant<T>, searchBehaviour: S)

Represents the base class for builders representing the entry point of the process of building a sophisticated contains assertion.



open val searchBehaviour: S

The search behaviour which shall be applied to the input of the search.


open val subjectProvider: AssertionPlant<T>

The SubjectProvider from which this building process started and to which the resulting Assertion should be added.



class CharSequenceContainsBuilder<out T : CharSequence, out S : CharSequenceContains.SearchBehaviour> : ContainsBuilder<T, S>, CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, S>

Represents the deprecated entry point of the fluent API of sophisticated contains assertions. It contains the subjectProvider for which the Assertion shall be build as well as the decoration behaviour which shall be applied to the subjectProvider's subject.


open class IterableContainsBuilder<out E, out T : Iterable<E>, out S : IterableContains.SearchBehaviour> : ContainsBuilder<T, S>, IterableContains.Builder<E, T, S>

Represents the deprecated entry point of the fluent API of sophisticated contains assertions. It contains the subjectProvider for which the Assertion shall be build as well as the decoration behaviour which shall be applied to the subjectProvider's subject.