ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.absolute |
A helper construct to allow expressing assertions about a path being absolute.
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.impl.AbstractTextObjectFormatter |
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.aDirectory |
A helper construct to allow expressing assertions about a path being a directory.
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.All |
Parameter object to express T, vararg T .
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.anEmptyDirectory |
A helper construct to allow expressing assertions about a path being an empty directory.
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.AnyAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to any type (sometimes Any? sometimes Any ).
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.aRegularFile |
A helper construct to allow expressing assertions about a path being a regular file.
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.utils.ArgumentMapperBuilder |
Builder to map variable length arguments formulated as (first: T, vararg others : T) to something else.
| |
Builder to map variable length arguments formulated as (first: T, vararg others : T) to something else.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.ArgumentsSupportingTranslator |
Represents a Translator which supports TranslatableWithArgs.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.utils.ArgumentToNullOrMapperBuilder |
Builder to map variable length arguments formulated as (first: T, vararg others : T) to something else.
| |
Builder to map variable length arguments formulated as (first: T, vararg others : T) to something else.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.Assertion |
The base interface of all assertions, providing the method holds.
| |
Represents a builder which creates Assertions and AssertionGroups.
| |
Final step in the AssertionBuilder process, creates the desired Assertion of type T.
ch.tutteli.atrium.domain.creating.collectors.AssertionCollector |
Responsible to collect assertions made in an assertionCreator -lambda.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.AssertionContainer |
Represents the extension point of the logic level for subjects of type T.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.AssertionFormatter |
Represents a formatter for Assertions and AssertionGroups.
| |
Represents the so far chosen options which are relevant to create AssertionFormatters.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.AssertionFormatterController |
Responsible to control the flow of reporting using registered AssertionFormatters.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.impl.AssertionFormatterControllerBasedFacade |
Responsible to call an appropriate AssertionFormatter which supports formating a given Assertion -- it does
so by delegating this responsibility to the specified assertionFormatterController.
| |
Provides options to create an AssertionFormatterController.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.AssertionFormatterFacade |
Responsible to call an appropriate AssertionFormatter which supports formating a given Assertion.
| |
Provides options to create an AssertionFormatterFacade.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.AssertionFormatterParameterObject |
A parameter object used for interactions between AssertionFormatterController and AssertionFormatter.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.AssertionGroup |
The base interface for Assertion groups, providing a default implementation for Assertion.holds
which returns true if all its assertions hold.
| |
Option step which allows to specify the AssertionGroup.description -- Text.EMPTY is
used as AssertionGroup.representation.
| |
Option step which allows to specify AssertionGroup.description and AssertionGroup.representation.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.AssertionGroupType |
Represents a type of an AssertionGroup.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.AssertionPairFormatter |
Represents a formatter of assertion pairs -- which consists of a Translatable and a representation.
| |
Provides options to create an AssertionPairFormatter.
| |
Option step which allows to specify AssertionGroup.assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.verbs.AssertionVerb |
The Translatables for the assertion functions assert, assertThat and expect.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.aSymbolicLink |
A helper construct to allow expressing assertions about a path being a symbolic link.
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.basic.contains.checkers.AtLeastChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is contained at least times in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.checkers.AtLeastChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is contained at least times in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.checkers.AtLeastChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is contained at least times in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.checkers.AtLeastChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is contained at least times in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.steps.AtLeastCheckerStep |
Represents the extension point for another step after a contains at least -check within a sophisticated
contains assertion building process for CharSequence.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.steps.AtLeastCheckerStep |
Represents the extension point for another step after a contains at least -check within a sophisticated
contains assertion building process for IterableLike.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.basic.contains.checkers.AtMostChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is contained at most times in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.checkers.AtMostChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is contained at most times in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.checkers.AtMostChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is contained at most times in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.checkers.AtMostChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is contained at most times in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.steps.AtMostCheckerStep |
Represents the extension point for another step after a contains at least once but at most -check within
a sophisticated contains assertion building process for CharSequence.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.steps.AtMostCheckerStep |
Represents the extension point for another step after a contains at least once but at most -check within
a sophisticated contains assertion building process for Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.steps.impl.AtMostCheckerStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.AtriumError |
Indicates that an assertion made by Atrium failed.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.AtriumErrorAdjuster |
Responsible to adjust a given Throwable (usually an AtriumError) for improved error reporting.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.AtriumErrorAdjusterCommon |
Defines the general contract for AtriumError adjusters which all platforms have to fulfil.
| |
Provides common options to create an AtriumErrorAdjuster.
| |
Provides options to create an AtriumErrorAdjusterOption.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.impl.BaseExpectImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.impl.BaseTransformationExecutionStep |
Step which has all necessary information to perform a subject transformation (subject change/feature extraction etc.)
and now allows to decide how it should be done, especially regarding potential sub-assertions which should be applied
to the new resulting subject.
| |
Final step which creates an AssertionGroup with the previously defined groupType, description,
representation and assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.BigDecimalAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a BigDecimal type.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.blank |
Represents a helper construct which allows to express blankness.
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.BulletPointIdentifier |
A marker interface for types which can be used to identify bullet points in
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.BulletPointProvider |
Responsible to provide custom bullet points used in text reporting.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.steps.ButAtMostCheckerStep |
Represents the extension point for another step after a contains at least but at most -check within
a sophisticated contains assertion building process for CharSequence.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.steps.ButAtMostCheckerStep |
Represents the extension point for another step after a contains at least but at most -check within
a sophisticated contains assertion building process for Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.steps.impl.ButAtMostCheckerStepImpl |
| |
Represents the pseudo keyword case as in ignoring case .
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.CharSequenceAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a CharSequence type.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.CharSequenceContains |
Defines the contract for sophisticated CharSequence contains assertion builders.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.creators.impl.CharSequenceContainsAssertionCreator |
Represents a creator of sophisticated contains assertions for CharSequence.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.creators.CharSequenceContainsAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions which are intended to be used as part of the final step of a sophisticated
contains -building process for CharSequence.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.typeutils.CharSequenceOrNumberOrChar |
Type alias for Any but with a better description what is expected at runtime,
i.e. either a CharSequence, a Number or a Char.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.ChronoLocalDateAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a ChronoLocalDate type.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.ChronoLocalDateTimeAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a ChronoLocalDateTime type.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.ChronoZonedDateTimeAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a ChronoZonedDateTime type.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.CollectingExpect |
Represents a container for Assertion which is intended to serve as receiver object for lambdas which create
Assertions, in which this Expect collects the assertions created this way.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.typeutils.CollectionLike |
Type alias for Any but with a better description what is expected at runtime,
i.e. a type which can be converted to a Collection.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.CollectionLikeAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects which can be transformed to a
Collection - intended for types which are Collection like such as Map.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.ComparableAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a Comparable type.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.ComponentFactory |
Provides a build lambda which produces the component and specifies via producesSingleton whether this
component should be treated as singleton or not.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.ComponentFactoryContainer |
Manages the factories to create the different components of Atrium.
It takes basically the responsibility of a dependency injection facility, tailored for Atrium.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.basic.contains.Contains |
Defines the basic contract for sophisticated contains assertion builders.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.basic.contains.creators.impl.ContainsAssertionCreator |
Represents the base class for Contains.Creators, providing a template to fulfill its job.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.basic.contains.checkers.impl.ContainsChecker |
Represents a base class for Contains.Checkers which compare how many occurrences of an expected object are found
in the input of the search, against how many times the check expect it to be contained.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.basic.contains.creators.impl.ContainsObjectsAssertionCreator |
Represents the base class for Contains.Creators which use bare objects as search criteria (matching them
with == ).
ch.tutteli.atrium.core.CoreFactory |
The platform specific minimum contract of the 'abstract factory' of atrium-core.
ch.tutteli.atrium.core.CoreFactoryCommon |
The minimum contract of the 'abstract factory' of atrium-core for any platform.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultAnyAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.impl.DefaultAssertionFormatterController |
Represents an AssertionFormatterController which does nothing special in addition
but just the job of the controller :)
| |
Type alias which can be used if only the AssertionGroupType is parameterised and the next step is
an AssertionsOption which in turn has the BasicAssertionGroupFinalStep as final step.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.checkers.impl.DefaultAtLeastChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is contained at least times in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.checkers.impl.DefaultAtLeastChecker |
Represents a check that an expected entry is contained at least times in the Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.checkers.impl.DefaultAtLeastChecker |
Represents a check that an expected entry is contained at least times in the Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.checkers.impl.DefaultAtMostChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is contained at most times in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.checkers.impl.DefaultAtMostChecker |
Represents a check that an expected entry is contained at most times in the Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.checkers.impl.DefaultAtMostChecker |
Represents a check that an expected entry is contained at most times in the Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultBigDecimalAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultCharSequenceAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.creators.impl.DefaultCharSequenceContainsAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultChronoLocalDateAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultChronoLocalDateTimeAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultChronoZonedDateTimeAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultCollectionLikeAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultComparableAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.impl.DefaultComponentFactoryContainer |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.checkers.impl.DefaultExactlyChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is contained exactly times in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.checkers.impl.DefaultExactlyChecker |
Represents a check that an expected entry is contained exactly times in the Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.checkers.impl.DefaultExactlyChecker |
Represents a check that an expected entry is contained exactly times in the Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.DefaultExplanatoryAssertionGroupType |
The AssertionGroupType for AssertionGroups whose assertions are used to explain
something rather than pointing something out -- accordingly the AssertionGroup.holds should always return true .
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.impl.subjectchanger.DefaultFailureHandlerImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.DefaultFeatureAssertionGroupType |
The AssertionGroupType for AssertionGroups which contain any kind of feature assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultFeatureAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.impl.DefaultFeatureExtractor |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultFloatingPointAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultFloatingPointJvmAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultFun0Assertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultIterableLikeAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.impl.DefaultIterableLikeContainsAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.impl.DefaultIterableLikeContainsInAnyOrderAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.typeutils.impl.DefaultIterableLikeToIterableTransformer |
Transforms Sequence and all Array types to Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultIteratorAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.DefaultListAssertionGroupType |
The AssertionGroupType for AssertionGroups whose assertions should be displayed
in a list.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultListAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultLocalDateAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultLocalDateTimeAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultMapEntryAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultMapLikeAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.creators.impl.DefaultMapLikeContainsAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.typeutils.impl.DefaultMapLikeToIterablePairTransformer |
Transforms all Map as well as all IterableLike which have a resulting element type of either [Pair]<*, *>
or [Map.Entry]<*, *> to an Iterable with an element type [Pair]<K, V> .
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.checkers.impl.DefaultNotChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is not contained in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.checkers.impl.DefaultNotChecker |
Represents a check that an expected entry is not contained in the Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.checkers.impl.DefaultNotChecker |
Represents a check that an expected entry is not contained in the Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultOptionalAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultPairAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultPathAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.kotlin_1_3.impl.DefaultResultAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.impl.DefaultSubjectChanger |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.DefaultSummaryAssertionGroupType |
The AssertionGroupType for AssertionGroups whose assertions should not be
filtered (by a Reporter) and for which an AssertionFormatter should state whether they hold or not.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.impl.DefaultTextMethodCallFormatter |
Responsible to format a method call for text output (e.g. to the console) where it represents arguments of a
method call by using their Any.toString representation with a few exceptions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.impl.DefaultTextObjectFormatter |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultThrowableAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.impl.DefaultZonedDateTimeAssertions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.DelegatingExpect |
Represents an Expect which passes on appended Assertions to a given Expect.
ch.tutteli.atrium.translations.DescriptionAnyAssertion |
Contains the DescriptiveAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Any.
ch.tutteli.atrium.translations.DescriptionBasic |
Contains the DescriptiveAssertion.descriptions which are so basic that one does not want to use a different wording in
a two different assertion functions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.translations.DescriptionBigDecimalAssertion |
Contains the DescriptiveAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to BigDecimal.
ch.tutteli.atrium.translations.DescriptionCharSequenceAssertion |
Contains the DescriptiveAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to CharSequence.
ch.tutteli.atrium.translations.DescriptionCollectionAssertion |
Contains the DescriptiveAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Collection.
ch.tutteli.atrium.translations.DescriptionComparableAssertion |
Contains the DescriptiveAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Comparable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.translations.DescriptionDateTimeLikeAssertion |
Contains the DescriptiveAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions
which are applicable to date like instances (e.g. LocalDate, LocaleDateTime, ZonedDateTime etc.)
ch.tutteli.atrium.translations.DescriptionFloatingPointAssertion |
Contains the DescriptiveAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Float, Double
and maybe other platform specific floating point types (such as BigDecimal in JVM).
ch.tutteli.atrium.translations.DescriptionFunLikeAssertion |
Contains the DescriptiveAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Any.
ch.tutteli.atrium.translations.DescriptionIterableAssertion |
Contains the DescriptiveAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.translations.DescriptionListAssertion |
Contains the DescriptiveAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Map.
ch.tutteli.atrium.translations.DescriptionMapAssertion |
Contains the DescriptiveAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Map.
ch.tutteli.atrium.translations.DescriptionMapLikeAssertion |
Contains the DescriptiveAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Map.
ch.tutteli.atrium.translations.DescriptionOptionalAssertion |
Contains the DescriptiveAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Optional.
ch.tutteli.atrium.translations.DescriptionPathAssertion |
Contains the DescriptiveAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Path.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.impl.subjectchanger.DescriptionRepresentationStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.translations.DescriptionResultAssertion |
Contains the DescriptiveAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Map.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.impl.featureextractor.DescriptionStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.translations.DescriptionThrowableAssertion |
Contains the DescriptiveAssertion.descriptions of the assertion functions which are applicable to Throwable.
| |
Defines the contract to build a DescriptiveAssertion.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.DescriptiveAssertion |
The base interface for Assertions which consist of a representation of an expected result
with a complementary description.
| |
Defines the contract to build a DescriptiveAssertion like assertion with an additional hint
which might be shown if the Descriptive.DescriptionOption.test fails.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.path.DirectoryEntries |
Parameter object which collects directory entries (as Strings).
Use the function directoryEntry(String, vararg String) to create this representation.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.DoNotFilterAssertionGroupType |
An AssertionGroupType which indicates that a Reporter should not filter its AssertionGroup.assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.core.Either |
Represents a disjoint union i.e. a type with two possibilities, either Left or Right.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.empty |
Represents a helper construct which allows to express emptiness.
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.fluent.en_GB.Entries |
Parameter object to express a Group of identification lambdas.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.entries |
Represents the pseudo keyword entries as in grouped entries .
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.Entries |
Parameter object to express a Group of identification lambdas.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.fluent.en_GB.Entry |
Parameter object to express a Group with a single identification lambda.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.Entry |
Parameter object to express a Group with a single identification lambda.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.basic.contains.steps.impl.EntryPointStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.steps.impl.EntryPointStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.steps.impl.EntryPointStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.steps.impl.EntryPointStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.ErrorMessages |
Contains translations which are used in error like messages.
ch.tutteli.atrium.translations.ErrorMessages |
Contains translations which are used in error like messages.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.basic.contains.checkers.ExactlyChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is contained exactly times in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.checkers.ExactlyChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is contained exactly times in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.checkers.ExactlyChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is contained exactly times in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.checkers.ExactlyChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is contained exactly times in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.steps.ExactlyCheckerStep |
Represents the extension point for another step after a contains exactly -check within
a sophisticated contains assertion building process for CharSequence.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.steps.ExactlyCheckerStep |
Represents the extension point for another step after a contains exactly -check within
a sophisticated contains assertion building process for Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.executable |
A helper construct to allow expressing assertions about a path being executable.
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.impl.featureextractor.ExecutionStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.impl.subjectchanger.ExecutionStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.existing |
A helper construct to allow expressing assertions about path existence.
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.Expect |
Represents the extension point for Assertion functions and sophisticated builders for subjects of type T.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.impl.ExpectationVerbStepImpl |
| |
Defines the contract to create custom assertion verbs, Expect<T> respectively.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.ExpectInternal |
Sole purpose of this interface is to hide AssertionContainer from newcomers which usually don't have to deal with
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.ExpectMarker |
DSL Marker for Expect.
| |
Additional (non-mandatory) options for the ExpectBuilder to create an Expect.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.ExperimentalComponentFactoryContainer |
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.feature.ExperimentalFeatureInfo |
ch.tutteli.atrium.core.ExperimentalNewExpectTypes |
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.fluent.en_GB.ExperimentalWithOptions |
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.ExperimentalWithOptions |
| |
Defines the contract to build an ExplanatoryAssertion.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.ExplanatoryAssertion |
Represents an Assertion which can be used to explain/show an instance which is eventually formatted
by an ObjectFormatter in reporting -- it needs to be a child of an AssertionGroup
with an ExplanatoryAssertionGroupType.
| |
Final step which creates an AssertionGroup with an ExplanatoryAssertionGroupType based on the previously
defined groupType and the explanatoryAssertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.ExplanatoryAssertionGroupType |
Represents the AssertionGroupType for AssertionGroups whose assertions are mainly
used to explain something -- hence in the normal case it should not be of importance whether they hold or not
and thus such AssertionGroups should usually return true for holds.
| |
Option step which allows to specify what ExplanatoryAssertionGroupType is used as AssertionGroup.type.
| |
Defines the contract to build an AssertionGroup with an ExplanatoryAssertionGroupType.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.feature.ExtractorWithCreator |
Parameter object which contains an extractor which extracts a feature out of a subject of an assertion +
an assertionCreator which defines assertions for the feature.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.filesystem.Failure |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.FailureHandlerAdapter |
Represents a SubjectChanger.FailureHandler which acts as an adapter for another failure handler by mapping first
the given subject to another type R1 which is understood as input of the other failure handler.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.impl.subjectchanger.FailureHandlerStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.feature.Feature |
Parameter object which contains a description of a feature along with an extractor
which actually extracts the feature out of a subject of an assertion.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.FeatureAssertionGroupType |
Represents the AssertionGroupType for AssertionGroups which contain some kind of feature assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.FeatureAssertions |
Collection of functions which help to create feature assertions by returning FeatureExtractorBuilder.ExecutionStep.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.FeatureExpect |
Represents an Expect which results due to a feature extraction from he subject of the expectation.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.FeatureExpectOptions |
Additional (non-mandatory) options to create a FeatureExpect.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.FeatureExpectOptionsChooser |
Helper lambda to specify FeatureExpectOptions via convenience methods.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.FeatureExpectOptionsChooser |
Helper lambda to specify FeatureExpectOptions via convenience methods.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.impl.FeatureExpectOptionsChooserImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.impl.FeatureExpectOptionsChooserImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.impl.featureextractor.FeatureExtractionStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.FeatureExtractor |
Defines the contract for sophisticated safe feature extractions including assertion creation for the feature.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.FeatureExtractorBuilder |
Helps in using FeatureExtractor by providing a guide to set the different parameters in form of a fluent builder.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.feature.FeatureInfo |
Responsible to determine the feature description for a given feature extractor.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.feature.FeatureWithCreator |
Parameter object which contains a description of a feature along with an extractor
which actually extracts the feature out of a subject of an assertion + an assertionCreator
which defines assertions for the feature.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.erroradjusters.FilterAtriumErrorAdjuster |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.impl.FinalStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.impl.featureextractor.FinalStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.impl.subjectchanger.FinalStepImpl |
| |
Defines the contract to build an AssertionGroup which has a fixed AssertionGroup.holds.
| |
Defines the contract to build an AssertionGroup which has a fixed AssertionGroup.holds or the like.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.FloatingPointAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a floating point number like
type (currently Float and Double).
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.FloatingPointJvmAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to floating point number like types which are
specific to the JVM platform (currently only for BigDecimal).
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.Fun0Assertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a kotlin.Function0 type.
kotlin.Function0 (extensions in package ch.tutteli.atrium.core) |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.steps.impl.GenericTimesCheckerStep |
| |
Represents the pseudo keyword group as in within group .
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.utils.Group |
Represents a group of T.
| |
Represents a group of T.
| |
Represents a group of T (where T: Any? ) which can be converted to a List<T>
| |
Represents a group of T (where T: Any ) which can be converted to a List<T>
| |
Step which allows to specify RepresentationOnlyAssertion.holds.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.searchers.impl.IgnoringCaseIndexSearcher |
Represents a Searcher which implements the IgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour behaviour and uses
CharSequence.indexOf to find expected objects.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.searchers.impl.IgnoringCaseRegexSearcher |
Represents a Searcher which implements the IgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour behaviour and evaluates
the matches of a given regular expression on the input of the search.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.searchbehaviours.IgnoringCaseSearchBehaviour |
Represents the search behaviour that a CharSequenceContains.Searcher should ignore case
when searching for an expected object.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.searchbehaviours.impl.IgnoringCaseSearchBehaviourImpl |
Represents the search behaviour that a CharSequenceContains.Searcher should ignore case
when searching for an expected object.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.impl.InAnyOrderEntriesAssertionCreator |
Represents a creator of a sophisticated contains assertions for Iterable where an expected entry can appear
in any order and is identified by holding a group of assertions, created by an assertion creator lambda.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.impl.InAnyOrderOnlyAssertionCreator |
Represents the base class for in any order only assertion creators and provides a corresponding template to fulfill
its responsibility.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.impl.InAnyOrderOnlyEntriesAssertionCreator |
Represents a creator of a sophisticated contains assertions for Iterable where exactly the expected entries have
to appear in the Iterable but in any order -- an entry is identified by holding a group of assertions
created by an assertion creator lambda.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.InAnyOrderOnlySearchBehaviour |
Represents the search behaviour that expected entries can appear in any order within the IterableLike but that
the resulting assertion should not hold if there are less or more entries than expected.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.searchbehaviours.InAnyOrderOnlySearchBehaviour |
Represents the search behaviour that expected entries can appear in any order within the MapLike but that
the resulting assertion should not hold if there are less or more entries than expected.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.impl.InAnyOrderOnlySearchBehaviourImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.searchbehaviours.impl.InAnyOrderOnlySearchBehaviourImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.impl.InAnyOrderOnlyValuesAssertionCreator |
Represents a creator of a sophisticated contains assertions for Iterable where exactly the expected entries have
to appear in the Iterable but in any order -- an entry is identified by an expected object (equality comparison).
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour |
Represents the search behaviour that expected entries can appear in any order within the IterableLike.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.searchbehaviours.InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour |
Represents the search behaviour that expected entries can appear in any order within the MapLike.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.impl.InAnyOrderSearchBehaviourImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.searchbehaviours.impl.InAnyOrderSearchBehaviourImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.impl.InAnyOrderValuesAssertionCreator |
Represents a creator of a sophisticated contains assertions for Iterable where an expected entry can appear
in any order and is identified by expected objects (equality comparison).
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.searchers.impl.IndexSearcher |
Represents a Searcher which uses CharSequence.indexOf to find expected objects.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.IndexWithCreator |
Parameter object which combines an index of type Int with an assertionCreator which defines assertions for
a resulting feature of type E.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.InformationAssertionGroupType |
The AssertionGroupType for AssertionGroups whose assertions are used to document
the reason for one or multiple assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.impl.InOrderOnlyAssertionCreator |
Represents the base class for in order only assertion creators and provides a corresponding template to fulfill
its responsibility.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.impl.InOrderOnlyBaseAssertionCreator |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.impl.InOrderOnlyEntriesAssertionCreator |
Represents a creator of a sophisticated contains assertions for Iterable where exactly the expected entries
have to appear in the specified order and where an entry is identified by holding a group of assertions,
created by an assertion creator lambda.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.impl.InOrderOnlyEntriesMatcher |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.impl.InOrderOnlyGroupedAssertionCreator |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.impl.InOrderOnlyGroupedEntriesAssertionCreator |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.InOrderOnlyGroupedSearchBehaviour |
Represents the search behaviour that expected entries have to appear in the given order in terms of groups within the
IterableLike whereas the entries can be in any order within the group and that the resulting assertion should not hold
if there are less or more entries than expected.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.impl.InOrderOnlyGroupedSearchBehaviourImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.impl.InOrderOnlyGroupedValuesAssertionCreator |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.InOrderOnlyGroupedWithinSearchBehaviour |
Represents a filler step to emphasise that the next step defines the order within a group of a
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.impl.InOrderOnlyGroupedWithinSearchBehaviourImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.impl.InOrderOnlyMatcher |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.InOrderOnlySearchBehaviour |
Represents the search behaviour that expected entries have to appear in the given order within the IterableLike and
that the resulting assertion should not hold if there are less or more entries than expected.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.searchbehaviours.InOrderOnlySearchBehaviour |
Represents the search behaviour that expected entries have to appear in the given order within the MapLike and
that the resulting assertion should not hold if there are less or more entries than expected.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.impl.InOrderOnlySearchBehaviourImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.searchbehaviours.impl.InOrderOnlySearchBehaviourImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.impl.InOrderOnlyValueMatcher |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.impl.InOrderOnlyValuesAssertionCreator |
Represents a creator of a sophisticated contains assertions for Iterable where exactly the expected entries
have to appear in the specified order and where an entry is identified by an expected object (equality comparison).
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.InOrderSearchBehaviour |
Represents the search behaviour that expected entries have to appear in the given order within the IterableLike.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.searchbehaviours.InOrderSearchBehaviour |
Represents the search behaviour that expected entries have to appear in the given order within the MapLike.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.impl.InOrderSearchBehaviourImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.searchbehaviours.impl.InOrderSearchBehaviourImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.InvisibleAssertionGroupType |
Represents the AssertionGroupType for AssertionGroups whose assertions should
be displayed in a manner that the user does not even notice that the Assertions have been grouped.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.filesystem.IoResult |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.typeutils.IterableLike |
Type alias for Any but with a better description what is expected at runtime,
i.e. a type which can be converted to an Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.IterableLikeAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects which can be transformed to an
Iterable - intended for types which are Iterable like such as Array or Sequence.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.IterableLikeContains |
Defines the contract for sophisticated Iterable contains assertion builders.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.IterableLikeContainsAssertions |
Defines the minimum set of contains assertion functions for Iterable,
which an implementation of the domain of Atrium has to provide.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.creators.IterableLikeContainsInAnyOrderAssertions |
Defines the minimum set of contains assertion functions for Iterable,
which an implementation of the domain of Atrium has to provide.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.typeutils.IterableLikeToIterableTransformer |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.IteratorAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with an Iterator type.
kotlin.reflect.KClass (extensions in package ch.tutteli.atrium.core.polyfills) |
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.fluent.en_GB.KeyValue |
Parameter object to express a key/value Pair whose value type is a nullable lambda with an
Expect receiver, which means one can either pass a lambda or null .
| |
Parameter object to express KeyWithValueCreator<K, V>, vararg KeyWithValueCreator<K, V> .
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.KeyWithCreator |
Parameter object which combines an key of type K with an assertionCreator which defines assertions for
a resulting feature of type V.
| |
Parameter object to express a key/value Pair whose value type is a nullable lambda with an
Expect receiver, which means one can either pass a lambda or null .
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.Keyword |
Marker interface for keywords.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.impl.subjectchanger.KindStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.LazyRepresentation |
A representation which shall be evaluated lazily during reporting.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.assertions.impl.LazyThreadUnsafeAssertionGroup |
Represents an AssertionGroup which is evaluated lazily where the lazy loading is not thread safe.
ch.tutteli.atrium.core.Left |
The left case of an Either.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.ListAssertionGroupType |
Represents the AssertionGroupType for AssertionGroups whose assertions should
be displayed in a list (up to the Reporter if it is a list with bullets, squares etc.).
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.ListAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a List type.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.LocalDateAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a LocalDate type.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.LocalDateTimeAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a LocalDateTime type.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.Locale |
Represents a platform independent representation of a locale consisting of a language, a script, a country and
a variant.
java.util.Locale (extensions in package ch.tutteli.atrium.core.migration) |
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.LocaleOrderDecider |
Responsible to decide in which order Locales should be processed.
| |
Provides options to create a LocaleOrderDecider.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.LocaleProvider |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.MapEntryAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a Map.Entry type.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.typeutils.MapLike |
Type alias for Any but with a better description what is expected at runtime,
i.e. a type which can be converted to a Map.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.MapLikeAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects which can be transformed to a
Map - intended for types which are Map like such as IterableLike with an element type Pair.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.MapLikeContains |
Defines the contract for sophisticated MapLike contains assertion builders.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.creators.MapLikeContainsAssertions |
Defines the minimum set of contains assertion functions for Iterable,
which an implementation of the domain of Atrium has to provide.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.typeutils.MapLikeToIterablePairTransformer |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.feature.MetaFeature |
Represents an extracted feature of type T defined by the given maybeSubject including a description
and a representation
ch.tutteli.atrium.domain.creating.MetaFeature |
Represents an extracted feature of type T defined by the given maybeSubject including a description
and a representation
| |
Builder which helps to create MetaFeature inter alia by using the MethodCallFormatter defined initially by the
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.fluent.en_GB.creating.feature.MetaFeatureOption |
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.feature.MetaFeatureOption |
| |
Helper class to circumvent overload bugs and KFunction bugs incorporated in Kotlin -- use f and in case you run
into an overload ambiguity, then either p (for property) or one of the fN functions (e.g. f2 for
a function which expects 2 arguments).
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.feature.MetaFeatureOptionWithCreator |
Parameter object which combines a lambda with a MetaFeatureOption receiver (called provider)
and an assertionCreator.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.MethodCallFormatter |
Responsible to format a method call in reporting.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.erroradjusters.MultiAtriumErrorAdjuster |
Represents an AtriumErrorAdjuster which incorporates several AtriumErrorAdjuster and executes one after another
during adjustment in the given order.
| |
Provides options to combine multiple AtriumErrorAdjusters.
| |
DSL Marker for MultipleAdjustersOption
| |
Represents the pseudo keyword next as in has next .
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.noDuplicates |
A helper construct to allow expressing assertions about iterable contains no duplicates.
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.core.None |
Represents an absent value in terms of Option.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.erroradjusters.NoOpAtriumErrorAdjuster |
An implementation of an AtriumErrorAdjuster which adjusts nothing.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.erroradjusters.NoOpAtriumErrorAdjusterCommon |
An implementation of an AtriumErrorAdjuster which adjusts nothing and can be used by the platforms to provide the
actual type of NoOpAtriumErrorAdjuster.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.steps.NoOpCheckerStep |
Represents a "no IterableLikeContains.Checker" option, meaning no checker shall be applied to a search result.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.searchbehaviours.NoOpSearchBehaviour |
Represents the default search behaviour or rather does not define a search behaviour at all.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.NoOpSearchBehaviour |
Represents the default search behaviour or rather does not define a search behaviour at all.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.searchbehaviours.NoOpSearchBehaviour |
Represents the default search behaviour or rather does not define a search behaviour at all.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.searchbehaviours.impl.NoOpSearchBehaviourImpl |
Represents the default search behaviour or rather does not define a search behaviour at all.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.impl.NoOpSearchBehaviourImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.searchbehaviours.impl.NoOpSearchBehaviourImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.impl.NoSpecialChildFormattingSingleAssertionGroupTypeFormatter |
A base type for AssertionFormatter which canFormat only
AssertionGroups of one specific AssertionGroupType and does nothing special when it comes to formatting
AssertionGroup.assertions (merely delegates to assertionFormatterController).
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.basic.contains.checkers.NotChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is not contained in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.checkers.NotChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is not contained in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.checkers.NotChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is not contained in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.maplike.contains.checkers.NotChecker |
Represents a check that an expected search criterion is not contained in the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.steps.NotCheckerStep |
Represents the extension point for another step after a contains not at all -check within
a sophisticated contains assertion building process for CharSequence.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.steps.NotCheckerStep |
Represents the extension point for another step after a contains not at all -check within
a sophisticated contains assertion building process for Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.steps.impl.NotCheckerStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.steps.NotOrAtMostCheckerStep |
Represents the extension point for another step after a contains not or at most -check within
a sophisticated contains assertion building process for CharSequence.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.steps.NotOrAtMostCheckerStep |
Represents the extension point for another step after a contains not or at most -check within
a sophisticated contains assertion building process for Iterable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.steps.impl.NotOrAtMostCheckerStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.searchbehaviours.NotSearchBehaviour |
Represents still the default search behaviour but a CharSequenceContains.Checker should be used which verifies
that the CharSequenceContains.Searcher could not find the expected object.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.NotSearchBehaviour |
Represents the search behaviour that expected entries might appear in any order within the IterableLike.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.searchbehaviours.impl.NotSearchBehaviourImpl |
Represents still the default search behaviour but a CharSequenceContains.Checker should be used which verifies
that the CharSequenceContains.Searcher could not find the expected object.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.searchbehaviours.impl.NotSearchBehaviourImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.o |
Represents a filler, a pseudo keyword where there isn't really a good keyword.
A reader should skip this filler without reading it. For instance, contains o atLeast 1... should be read as
contains at least once...
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.ObjectFormatter |
Represents a formatter for objects.
| |
Provides options to create an ObjectFormatter.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.only |
Represents the pseudo keyword only as in and only .
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.impl.OnlyFailureReporter |
A Reporter which reports only failing assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.core.Option |
Represents an optional value with map, flatMap, fold and getOrElse to transform it.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.OptionalAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with an Optional type.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.impl.OptionsStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.impl.featureextractor.OptionsStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.order |
Represents the pseudo keyword order as in inAny order .
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.iterable.Order |
Parameter object to express Group<T>, Group<T>, vararg Group<T> .
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.PairAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a Pair type.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.Pairs |
Parameter object to express Pair<K, V>, vararg Pair<K, V> .
| |
Defines the contract to build an AssertionGroup whose AssertionGroup.holds is a logic AND operation composed
by a fixed part and its AssertionGroup.assertions.
java.nio.file.Path (extensions in package ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.filesystem) |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.PathAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a Path type.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.path.PathWithCreator |
Parameter object which combines a path (as String) with an assertionCreator which defines assertions for
a resulting feature of type E.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.path.PathWithEncoding |
Parameter object which combines path (as Path) with a sourceCharset and targetCharset.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.PleaseUseReplacementException |
Indicates a problem which was indicated by a @Deprecated annotation but was ignored by you ;-)
| |
Indicates a problem which was indicated by a @Deprecated annotation but was ignored by you ;-)
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.PrefixFailingSummaryAssertion |
Represents the identifier for bullet points used to prefix Assertions which do not hold, in context of an
AssertionGroup with type SummaryAssertionGroupType.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.PrefixFeatureAssertionGroupHeader |
This class is only used as identifier for CoreFactory.registerTextAssertionFormatterCapabilities.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.PrefixSuccessfulSummaryAssertion |
Represents the identifier for bullet points used to prefix Assertions which hold, in context of an
AssertionGroup with type SummaryAssertionGroupType.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.present |
Represents a helper construct which allows to express presence.
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.PresentWithCreator |
Parameter object which represents a present value (e.g. to represent a present Optional ) with an element type E
combined with an assertionCreator which defines assertions for the element.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.PropertiesBasedTranslationSupplier |
A base class for properties based TranslationSuppliers which provides a loading
and caching mechanism of properties files.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.PropertiesPerEntityAndLocaleTranslationSupplier |
Represents a TranslationSupplier which is based on properties-files which are structured per
entity (enum, object or class) and Locale.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.PropertiesPerLocaleTranslationSupplier |
Represents a TranslationSupplier which is based on properties-files which are structured per Locale.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.RawString |
Marker interface for types which provide a raw string functionality
and should be treated accordingly in reporting (e.g., in ObjectFormatter).
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.readable |
A helper construct to allow expressing assertions about a path being readable.
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.RegexPatterns |
Parameter object to express String, vararg String where they are treated as regex patterns.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.searchers.impl.RegexSearcher |
Represents a Searcher which evaluates the matches of a given regular expression on the input of the search.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.relative |
A helper construct to allow expressing assertions about a path being relative.
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.erroradjusters.RemoveAtriumFromAtriumError |
Responsible to remove the stacktrace of Atrium from an AtriumError.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.erroradjusters.impl.RemoveAtriumFromAtriumErrorImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.erroradjusters.RemoveRunnerFromAtriumError |
Responsible to remove the stacktrace of the test runner(s) from an AtriumError.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.erroradjusters.impl.RemoveRunnerFromAtriumErrorImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.Reporter |
Represents a reporter which reports about Assertions.
| |
Provides options to create a Translator or TranslationSupplier -- the platform specific
interface might provide further options.
| |
Provides options to create a Translator or TranslationSupplier -- those options
have to be provided on all platforms.
| |
Final step in the ReporterBuilder process, creates the desired Reporter.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.ReporterFactory |
Responsible to create a Reporter.
| |
Provides options to finalise the building process, which means creating a Reporter.
| |
Defines the contract to build an RepresentationOnlyAssertion.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.RepresentationOnlyAssertion |
The base interface for Assertions which only consist of a representation (next to holds).
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.impl.ResourceBundleInspiredLocaleOrderDecider |
Responsible to determine in which order Locales should be processed.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.kotlin_1_3.ResultAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a Result type.
ch.tutteli.atrium.core.Right |
The right case of an Either.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.RootAssertionGroupType |
The AssertionGroupType for AssertionGroups which are the root of all assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.RootExpect |
Represents the root of an Expect chain, intended as extension point for functionality
which should only be available on the root.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.RootExpectBuilder |
Defines the contract to create custom expectation verbs, RootExpect<T> respectively.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.RootExpectOptions |
Additional (non-mandatory) options to create a RootExpect.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.impl.RootExpectOptionsChooserImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.impl.SingleAssertionGroupTypeFormatter |
A base type for AssertionFormatter which canFormat only
AssertionGroups of one specific AssertionGroupType.
ch.tutteli.atrium.core.Some |
Represents a present value in terms of Option.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.feature.impl.StackTraceBasedFeatureInfo |
kotlin.String (extensions in package ch.tutteli.atrium.core.polyfills) |
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.StringBasedRawString |
Use this class to represent a String which should be treated as raw String in reporting.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.StringBasedTranslatable |
Something which is Translatable and provides a default representation by value.
java.lang.StringBuilder (extensions in package ch.tutteli.atrium.core.polyfills) |
| |
Contract for sub option steps which are based on a defined or absent subject of the expectation.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.SubjectChanger |
Defines the contract to change the subject of an assertion container (e.g. the subject of Expect) by creating
a new Expect whereas the new Expect delegates assertion checking to a given original assertion container.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.SubjectChangerBuilder |
Helps in using SubjectChanger by providing a guide to set the different parameters in form of a fluent builder.
ch.tutteli.atrium.creating.SubjectProvider |
Provides the subject of an Assertion.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.success |
Represents the pseudo keyword success as in toBe `success.
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.filesystem.Success |
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.SuccessWithCreator |
Parameter object that takes assertionCreator which defines assertions for a resulting feature of type E.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.SummaryAssertionGroupType |
Represents the AssertionGroupType for AssertionGroups whose assertions should
all be reported in reporting (no filtering by a Reporter) since it represents a summary which itself
will point out which assertions hold and which do not.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.Text |
Use this class to represent a String which should be treated as raw String in reporting.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.TextAssertionFormatter |
Marker interface for AssertionFormatter which are intended for text output, e.g. for terminal output.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.impl.TextAssertionFormatterFactory |
| |
Provides options to register AssertionFormatters to the chosen AssertionFormatterFacade -- the platform
specific interface might provide further options.
| |
Provides options to register AssertionFormatters to the chosen AssertionFormatterFacade -- those options
have to be provided on all platforms.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.TextAssertionPairFormatter |
Marker interface for AssertionPairFormatter which are intended for text output, e.g. for terminal output.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.impl.TextExplanatoryAssertionGroupFormatter |
Represents an AssertionFormatter which formats AssertionGroups with an ExplanatoryAssertionGroupType by
neglecting the group header and defining an child-AssertionFormatterParameterObject which indicates that we are in an
explanatory assertion.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.impl.TextFallbackAssertionFormatter |
Formats an Assertion for text output (e.g. to the console) by using the given assertionPairFormatter
to format the group header for AssertionGroups and uses the bullet point defined for
RootAssertionGroupType as prefix for the AssertionGroup.assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.impl.TextFeatureAssertionGroupFormatter |
Represents an AssertionFormatter which formats AssertionGroups with a FeatureAssertionGroupType by
using the given assertionPairFormatter to format the group header, additionally prefixing it with the
"bullet point" (typically an arrow) defined for PrefixFeatureAssertionGroupHeader and uses the bullet point
defined for FeatureAssertionGroupType as prefix for the AssertionGroup.assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.impl.TextListAssertionGroupFormatter |
Represents an AssertionFormatter which formats AssertionGroups with a ListAssertionGroupType by
using the given assertionPairFormatter to format the group header and uses the bullet point defined for
ListAssertionGroupType as prefix for the AssertionGroup.assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.impl.TextListBasedAssertionGroupFormatter |
Represents an AssertionFormatter which formats AssertionGroups with type T by using the given
assertionPairFormatter to format the group header and using the given bulletPoint (see constructor) to prefix
the AssertionGroup.assertions.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.TextMethodCallFormatter |
Marker interface for AssertionFormatter which are intended for text output, e.g. for terminal output.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.impl.TextNextLineAssertionPairFormatter |
Represents an AssertionPairFormatter formatter of assertion pairs -- which consists of a Translatable
and a representation -- where it puts the translation on one line and the representation on the next line
(including indentation as if the representation is a child).
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.TextObjectFormatter |
Marker interface for ObjectFormatter which are intended for text output, e.g. for terminal output.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.impl.TextObjectFormatterCommon |
Base class for the platform specific implementation of DefaultTextObjectFormatter.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.impl.TextPrefixBasedAssertionGroupFormatter |
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.impl.TextSameLineAssertionPairFormatter |
Represents an AssertionPairFormatter formatter of assertion pairs -- which consists of a Translatable
and a representation -- where it puts them on the same line in the form: translation: representation .
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.impl.TextSummaryAssertionGroupFormatter |
Represents an AssertionFormatter which formats AssertionGroups with a SummaryAssertionGroupType by
using the given assertionPairFormatter to format the group header and uses the bullet point defined
for PrefixSuccessfulSummaryAssertion as prefix for successful AssertionGroup.assertions and the bullet point
defined for PrefixFeatureAssertionGroupHeader as prefix for failing AssertionGroup.assertions.
kotlin.Throwable (extensions in package ch.tutteli.atrium.core.polyfills) |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.ThrowableAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a Throwable type.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.impl.ThrowableThrownFailureHandler |
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.TransformationExecutionStep |
Defines the minimal contract for the execution step of a subject transformation process -
i.e. the step after choosing all options.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.transformers.impl.subjectchanger.TransformationStepImpl |
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.Translatable |
Something which is translatable, identified by id with a default representation given by getDefault.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.TranslatableBasedRawString |
Use this class to represent a Translatable which shall be translated and
then be treated as raw String in reporting.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.TranslatableWithArgs |
A Translatable which contains placeholders for arguments.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.TranslationSupplier |
A supplier of translations for Translatables for particular Locales.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.impl.TranslationSupplierBasedTranslator |
Represents a Translator which uses a given TranslationSupplier to retrieve translations and
a given LocaleOrderDecider to determine in which order it should try to find translations
for a given Translatable.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.Translator |
Represents a translator of Translatables.
| |
Provides options to create a Translator -- the platform specific interface might provide further options.
| |
Provides options to create a Translator -- those options have to be provided on all platforms.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.Untranslatable |
Represents a Translatable which is not translatable but has only a fixed name which serves as getDefault.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.UseDefaultLocaleAsPrimary |
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.UsingDefaultBulletPoints |
Does not define custom bullet points, i.e. returns an empty map for getBulletPoints so that the default bullet
points are used.
ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.translating.UsingDefaultTranslator |
This translator does not translate but uses Translatable.getDefault instead
and uses getDefaultLocale as primaryLocale if not defined differently via constructor parameter.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.fluent.en_GB.Value |
Represents a Group with a single value.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.Value |
Represents a Group with a single value.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.fluent.en_GB.Values |
Represents a Group of multiple values.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.creating.Values |
Represents a Group of multiple values.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.utils.VarArgHelper |
Represents a parameter object used to express the arguments T, vararg T
and provides utility functions to transform them.
| |
Represents a parameter object used to express the arguments T, vararg T
and provides utility functions to transform them.
ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.WarningAssertionGroupType |
The AssertionGroupType for AssertionGroups whose assertions are used to state
a warning rather than making an assumption.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.basic.contains.checkers.WithTimesChecker |
Represents a checker which is based on the number of times a search criterion is found within the search input.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.steps.WithTimesCheckerStep |
A CharSequenceContains.CheckerStep which is used to choose
a CharSequenceContains.Checker which is based on a number of times .
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.steps.WithTimesCheckerStep |
A IterableLikeContains.CheckerStep which is used to choose
a IterableLikeContains.Checker which is based on a number of times .
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.steps.WithTimesCheckerStepInternal |
Sole purpose of this interface is to hide CharSequenceContains.CheckerStepLogic from newcomers which
usually don't have to deal with this type and to keep the API clean.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.steps.WithTimesCheckerStepInternal |
Sole purpose of this interface is to hide IterableLikeContains.CheckerStepLogic from newcomers which
usually don't have to deal with this type and to keep the API clean.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.charsequence.contains.steps.WithTimesCheckerStepLogic |
A CharSequenceContains.CheckerStepLogic which is used to choose
a CharSequenceContains.Checker which is based on a number of times.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.creating.iterable.contains.steps.WithTimesCheckerStepLogic |
A IterableLikeContains.CheckerStepLogic which is used to choose
a IterableLikeContains.Checker which is based on a number of times.
ch.tutteli.atrium.api.infix.en_GB.writable |
A helper construct to allow expressing assertions about a path being writable.
It can be used for a parameterless function so that it has one parameter and thus can be used as infix function.
ch.tutteli.atrium.logic.ZonedDateTimeAssertions |
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a ZonedDateTime type.