expect class MultiAtriumErrorAdjuster : AtriumErrorAdjuster
Represents an AtriumErrorAdjuster which incorporates several AtriumErrorAdjuster and executes one after another during adjustment in the given order.
The first adjuster which shall be used.
The second adjuster which shall be used.
The other adjusters which shall be used.
MultiAtriumErrorAdjuster(firstAdjuster: AtriumErrorAdjuster, secondAdjuster: AtriumErrorAdjuster, otherAdjusters: List<AtriumErrorAdjuster>)
Represents an AtriumErrorAdjuster which incorporates several AtriumErrorAdjuster and executes one after another during adjustment in the given order. |
fun adjustStackTrace(stackTrace: Sequence<StackTraceElement>): Sequence<StackTraceElement>
Adjusts the given Throwable.stackTrace in some way or another. |
fun toString(): String |
fun adjust(throwable: Throwable): Unit
Adjusts the given throwable - typically this involves filtering the stack trace
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open fun adjustOtherThanStacks(throwable: Throwable): Unit
Does nothing (no adjustments) - override in subclass if you want a different behaviour. |
abstract fun adjustStackTrace(stackTrace: Sequence<StackTraceElement>): Sequence<StackTraceElement>
Adjusts the given Throwable.stackTrace in some way or another. |