doc / / TranslatorOption / withDefaultTranslator


open fun withDefaultTranslator(primaryLocale: Locale, vararg fallbackLocales: Locale): ObjectFormatterOption (source)
Deprecated: Use the overload which uses Atrium's [Locale]; will be removed latest with 1.0.0

Uses CoreFactory.newTranslator as Translator where the specified translationSupplier is used to retrieve translations, the specified localeOrderDecider to determine candidate java.util.Locales and primaryLocale is used as primary java.util.Locale and the optional fallbackLocales as fallback java.util.Locales.


primaryLocale - The java.util.Locale for which the Translator will first search translations -- it will also be used to format arguments of TranslatableWithArgs.

fallbackLocales - One java.util.Locale after another (in the given order) will be considered as primary Locale in case no translation was found the previous primary Locale.