Contains type alias used in Atrium to better describe the intent behind the types.
interface IterableLikeToIterableTransformer |
interface MapLikeToIterablePairTransformer |
typealias CharSequenceOrNumberOrChar = Any
Type alias for Any but with a better description what is expected at runtime, i.e. either a CharSequence, a Number or a Char. |
typealias CollectionLike = Any
Type alias for Any but with a better description what is expected at runtime, i.e. a type which can be converted to a Collection. |
typealias IterableLike = Any
Type alias for Any but with a better description what is expected at runtime, i.e. a type which can be converted to an Iterable. |
typealias MapLike = Any
Type alias for Any but with a better description what is expected at runtime, i.e. a type which can be converted to a Map. |
val AssertionContainer<*>.iterableLikeToIterableTransformer: IterableLikeToIterableTransformer |
val AssertionContainer<*>.mapLikeToMapTransformer: MapLikeToIterablePairTransformer |