doc / ch.tutteli.atrium.api.fluent.en_GB / notToThrow


fun <R, T : () -> R> Expect<T>.notToThrow(): Expect<R> (source)

Expects that no Throwable is thrown at all when calling the subject (a lambda with arity 0, i.e. without arguments) and changes the subject of this expectation to the return value of type R.

expect { "abc" }
    .notToThrow() // subject is now of type String

fails {
    expect { throw IllegalStateException("abc") }

An Expect with the new type R.

fun <R, T : () -> R> Expect<T>.notToThrow(assertionCreator: Expect<R>.() -> Unit): Expect<R> (source)

Expects that no Throwable is thrown at all when calling the subject (a lambda with arity 0, i.e. without arguments) and that the corresponding return value holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates.

expect { "abc" }
    .notToThrow { // subject is now of type String

fails {
    expect { throw IllegalStateException("abc") }
        .notToThrow {}

An Expect with the new type R.