doc / / withFailureHintBasedOnSubject


fun <T> Descriptive.DescriptionOption<Descriptive.FinalStep>.withFailureHintBasedOnSubject(expect: Expect<T>, failureHintSubStep: DescriptiveAssertionWithFailureHint.FailureHintSubjectDefinedOption<T>.() -> Pair<() -> Assertion, (T) -> Assertion>): DescriptiveAssertionWithFailureHint.ShowOption (source)
Deprecated: Use withHelpOnFailureBasedOnSubject; will be removed with 1.0.0

Option to create a DescriptiveAssertion like assertion with an additional hint (which is based on the subject of the expectation) which might be shown if the Descriptive.DescriptionOption.test fails.

You can use withHelpOnFailure which does not expect an Expect in case your DescriptiveAssertion is not based on the subject of the expectation.