doc / ch.tutteli.atrium.api.fluent.en_GB / notToEqualNull


inline fun <reified T : Any> Expect<T?>.notToEqualNull(): Expect<T> (source)

Expects that the subject of this expectation is not null and changes the subject to the non-nullable version.

    .notToEqualNull() // subject is now of type Int

fails {
        .notToEqualNull() // fails
        .toBeLessThan(2)  // not evaluated/reported because `notToEqualNull` already fails
    //                       use `notToEqualNull { ... }` if you want that all expectations are evaluated

An Expect with the non-nullable type T (was T? before).

inline fun <reified T : Any> Expect<T?>.notToEqualNull(noinline assertionCreator: Expect<T>.() -> Unit): Expect<T> (source)

Expects that the subject of this expectation is not null and that it holds all assertions the given assertionCreator creates.

    .notToEqualNull { // subject is now of type Int
    } // subject remains type Int also after the block

fails { // because subject is null, but since we use a block...
    expect<Int?>(null).notToEqualNull {
        toBeGreaterThan(2) // ...reporting mentions that subject was expected `to be greater than: 2`

fails { // because sub-expectation fails
    expect<Int?>(1).notToEqualNull {
        toBeLessThan(0)     // fails
        toBeGreaterThan(5)  // still evaluated even though `toBeLessThan` already fails,
        //                     use `.notToEqualNull().` if you want a fail fast behaviour

fails {
    // because you forgot to define an expectation in the expectation group block
    // use `.notToEqualNull()` if this is all you expect
    expect<Int?>(1).notToEqualNull { }

An Expect with the non-nullable type T (was T? before)