infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> Expect<T>.all(assertionCreatorOrNull: (Expect<E>.() -> Unit)?): Expect<T>
(source)Expects that the subject of this
expectation (an Iterable) has at least one element and
that either every element holds all assertions created by the assertionCreatorOrNull or
that all elements are null
in case assertionCreatorOrNull is defined as null
an Expect for the subject of this
fun <T> all(t: T, vararg ts: T): All<T>
Helper function to create an All based on the given t and ts
-- allows expressing T, vararg T
// all regex patterns match
expect("ABC") toContain all("A".toRegex(), "B".toRegex())
// holds because `toContain all(...)` does not search for unique matches
// use `toContain exactly 2 regex regex` to check if the subject contains the regex two times
val regex = "A(B)?".toRegex()
expect("ABC") toContain all(regex, regex)
fails { // because second regex doesn't match
expect("ABC") toContain all("A".toRegex(), "X".toRegex())