fun <K, V> pairs(pair: Pair<K, V>, vararg otherPairs: Pair<K, V>): Pairs<K, V>
Helper function to create a Pairs based on the given pair and otherPairs
-- allows expressing Pair<K, V>, vararg Pair<K, V>
expect(mapOf(1 to "a", 2 to "b")) toContainOnly pairs(1 to "a", 2 to "b")
fails { // because the map contains key 2 with value "b" in addition
expect(mapOf(1 to "a", 2 to "b")) toContainOnly pairs(1 to "a")
fun <K, V> pairs(pair: Pair<K, V>, vararg otherPairs: Pair<K, V>, reportOptionsInOrderOnly: InOrderOnlyReportingOptions.() -> Unit): WithInOrderOnlyReportingOptions<Pairs<K, V>>
Helper function to create a Pairs based on the given pair and otherPairs
-- allows expressing Pair<K, V>, vararg Pair<K, V>
expect(mapOf(1 to "a", 2 to "b")) toContainOnly pairs(1 to "a", 2 to "b")
fails { // because the map contains key 2 with value "b" in addition
expect(mapOf(1 to "a", 2 to "b")) toContainOnly pairs(1 to "a")