class OptionsStepImpl<T> : RootExpectBuilder.OptionsStep<T>
OptionsStepImpl(subject: T, expectationVerb: Translatable) |
val expectationVerb: Translatable
The previously defined expectation verb. |
val subject: T
The previously specified subject of the expectation. |
fun withOptions(rootExpectOptions: RootExpectOptions<T>): RootExpectBuilder.FinalStep<T>
Uses the given rootExpectOptions. |
fun withoutOptions(): RootExpectBuilder.FinalStep<T>
States explicitly that no optional RootExpectOptions are defined, which means, |
open fun withOptions(configuration: RootExpectBuilder.OptionsChooser<T>.() -> Unit): RootExpectBuilder.FinalStep<T>
Allows to define the RootExpectOptions via an OptionsChooser-lambda which provides convenience functions. |