class FeatureExtractionStepImpl<T> : FeatureExtractorBuilder.FeatureExtractionStep<T>
FeatureExtractionStepImpl(container: AssertionContainer<T>, description: Translatable, representationForFailure: Any) |
val container: AssertionContainer<T>
The previously specified assertion container from which we are going to extract the feature. |
val description: Translatable
The previously specified description which describes the kind of feature extraction. |
val representationForFailure: Any
The previously specified representation which will be used in case the feature cannot be extracted. |
fun <R> withFeatureExtraction(extraction: (T) -> Option<R>): FeatureExtractorBuilder.OptionsStep<T, R>
Defines the feature extraction as such which is most likely based on the current subject (but does not need to be). |