Contains builders which help in creating different types of Expect.
interface FeatureExpectOptionsChooser<R>
Helper lambda to specify FeatureExpectOptions via convenience methods. |
interface RootExpectBuilder
Defines the contract to create custom expectation verbs, |
fun <R> FeatureExpectOptions(configuration: FeatureExpectOptionsChooser<R>.() -> Unit): FeatureExpectOptions<R>
Define additional (non-mandatory) options to create a FeatureExpect based on a given FeatureExpectOptionsChooser-lambda. |
fun <T> RootExpectOptions(configuration: RootExpectBuilder.OptionsChooser<T>.() -> Unit): RootExpectOptions<T>
Helper function to create a RootExpectOptions via |
fun <I : Any, T> RootExpectBuilder.OptionsChooser<T>.withComponent(factory: (ComponentFactoryContainer) -> I): Unit
Convenience function which infers the KClass usually required for RootExpectBuilder.OptionsChooser.withComponent. |