Contains all the assertion interfaces (e.g. AnyAssertions as well as _logic and helper functions for AssertionContainer
interface AnyAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to any type (sometimes |
interface BigDecimalAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a BigDecimal type. |
interface CharSequenceAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a CharSequence type. |
interface ChronoLocalDateAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a ChronoLocalDate type. |
interface ChronoLocalDateTimeAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a ChronoLocalDateTime type. |
interface ChronoZonedDateTimeAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a ChronoZonedDateTime type. |
interface CollectionLikeAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects which can be transformed to a Collection - intended for types which are Collection like such as Map. |
interface ComparableAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a Comparable type. |
interface FeatureAssertions
Collection of functions which help to create feature assertions by returning FeatureExtractorBuilder.ExecutionStep. |
interface FloatingPointAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a floating point number like type (currently Float and Double). |
interface FloatingPointJvmAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to floating point number like types which are specific to the JVM platform (currently only for BigDecimal). |
interface Fun0Assertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a kotlin.Function0 type. |
interface IterableLikeAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects which can be transformed to an Iterable - intended for types which are Iterable like such as Array or Sequence. |
interface IteratorAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with an Iterator type. |
interface ListAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a List type. |
interface LocalDateAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a LocalDate type. |
interface LocalDateTimeAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a LocalDateTime type. |
interface MapEntryAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a Map.Entry type. |
interface MapLikeAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects which can be transformed to a Map - intended for types which are Map like such as IterableLike with an element type Pair. |
interface OptionalAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with an Optional type. |
interface PairAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a Pair type. |
interface PathAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a Path type. |
interface ThrowableAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a Throwable type. |
interface ZonedDateTimeAssertions
Collection of assertion functions and builders which are applicable to subjects with a ZonedDateTime type. |
fun <T> Expect<T>._logicAppend(assertionCreator: AssertionContainer<T>.() -> Assertion): Expect<T>
Appends the Assertion the given assertionCreator creates based on this Expect. fun <T : CharSequence, S : CharSequenceContains.SearchBehaviour> CharSequenceContains.CheckerStep<T, S>._logicAppend(factory: CharSequenceContains.CheckerStepLogic<T, S>.() -> Assertion): Expect<T>
Appends the Assertion the given factory creates based on this CharSequenceContains.CheckerStep. fun <E, T : Any, S : IterableLikeContains.SearchBehaviour> IterableLikeContains.EntryPointStep<E, T, S>._logicAppend(factory: IterableLikeContains.EntryPointStepLogic<E, T, S>.() -> Assertion): Expect<T>
Appends the Assertion the given factory creates based on this IterableLikeContains.EntryPointStep. fun <E, T : Any, S : IterableLikeContains.SearchBehaviour> IterableLikeContains.CheckerStep<E, T, S>._logicAppend(factory: IterableLikeContains.CheckerStepLogic<E, T, S>.() -> Assertion): Expect<T>
Appends the Assertion the given factory creates based on this IterableLikeContains.CheckerStep. fun <K, V, T : Any, S : MapLikeContains.SearchBehaviour> MapLikeContains.EntryPointStep<K, V, T, S>._logicAppend(factory: MapLikeContains.EntryPointStepLogic<K, V, T, S>.() -> Assertion): Expect<T>
Appends the Assertion the given factory creates based on this MapLikeContains.EntryPointStep. |
fun <T> AssertionContainer<T>.collect(assertionCreator: Expect<T>.() -> Unit): Assertion
Use this function if you want to make Assertions about a feature or you perform a type transformation or any other action which results in an Expect being created for a different subject and you do not require this resulting Expect. |
fun <T, R> TransformationExecutionStep<T, R, *>.collectAndLogicAppend(assertionCreator: AssertionContainer<R>.() -> Assertion): Expect<T>
Finishes the transformation process by appending the Assertion which is returned when calling TransformationExecutionStep.collectAndAppend with _logicAppend and the given assertionCreator. |
fun <T> AssertionContainer<*>.collectBasedOnSubject(maybeSubject: Option<T>, assertionCreator: Expect<T>.() -> Unit): Assertion
Use this function if you want to make Assertions about a feature or you perform a type transformation or any other action which results in an Expect being created for a different subject and you do not require this resulting Expect. |
fun <T> AssertionContainer<T>.collectForComposition(assertionCreator: Expect<T>.() -> Unit): List<Assertion>
Use this function if you want to collect Assertions and use it as part of another Assertion (e.g. as part of an AssertionGroup). |
fun <T> AssertionContainer<*>.collectForCompositionBasedOnSubject(maybeSubject: Option<T>, assertionCreator: Expect<T>.() -> Unit): List<Assertion>
Use this function if you want to collect Assertions and use it as part of another Assertion (e.g. as part of an AssertionGroup). |
fun <T> AssertionContainer<T>.createDescriptiveAssertion(description: Translatable, representation: Any?, test: (T) -> Boolean): Assertion
Creates a DescriptiveAssertion based on the given description, representation and test. |
fun <T, R> AssertionContainer<T>.genericSubjectBasedFeature(provider: (T) -> MetaFeature<R>): FeatureExtractorBuilder.ExecutionStep<T, R> |
fun <T, R> AssertionContainer<T>.manualFeature(description: String, provider: T.() -> R): FeatureExtractorBuilder.ExecutionStep<T, R>
Convenience method to pass a String as description which is wrapped into an Untranslatable instead of passing a Translatable. |
fun <T> Expect<T>.toAssertionContainer(): AssertionContainer<T>
Casts this Expect to an AssertionContainer so that you have access to the functionality provided on the logic level. |
fun <T> AssertionContainer<T>.toExpect(): Expect<T>
Casts this AssertionContainer back to an Expect so that you can use it in places where an Expect is used. |