doc / ch.tutteli.atrium.reporting.text.impl / TextListAssertionGroupFormatter / <init>


TextListAssertionGroupFormatter(bulletPoints: Map<KClass<out BulletPointIdentifier>, String>, assertionFormatterController: AssertionFormatterController, assertionPairFormatter: AssertionPairFormatter)

Represents an AssertionFormatter which formats AssertionGroups with a ListAssertionGroupType by putting each assertion on an own line prefixed with a bullet point.


bulletPoints - The formatter uses the bullet point defined for ListAssertionGroupType (" ⚬ " if absent) as prefix of the child-AssertionFormatterParameterObject.

assertionFormatterController - The controller to which this formatter gives back the control when it comes to format children of an AssertionGroup.

assertionPairFormatter - The formatter which is used to format assertion pairs.

Represents an AssertionFormatter which formats AssertionGroups with a ListAssertionGroupType by putting each assertion on an own line prefixed with a bullet point.