doc / / notOrAtMost


fun <T : CharSequence, S : ISearchBehaviour> CharSequenceContainsBuilder<T, S>.notOrAtMost(times: Int): CharSequenceContainsNotOrAtMostCheckerBuilder<T, S>

Restricts a contains assertion by specifying that the number of occurrences of the object which we are looking for, occurs not at all or at most number of times within the search input.


times - The number which the check will compare against the actual number of times an expected object is found in the input of the search.


IllegalArgumentException - In case times is smaller than zero. IllegalArgumentException - In case times equals to zero; use enhaeltNicht instead.

The newly created builder.

fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> IterableContainsBuilder<E, T, IterableContainsInAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>.notOrAtMost(times: Int): IterableContainsNotOrAtMostCheckerBuilder<E, T>

Restricts a contains assertion by specifying that the number of occurrences of the entry which we are looking for, occurs not at all or at most number of times within the Iterable.


times - The number which the check will compare against the actual number of times an expected entry is found in the Iterable.


IllegalArgumentException - In case times is smaller than zero. IllegalArgumentException - In case times equals to zero; use containsNot instead.

The newly created builder.