abstract fun registerSameLineTextAssertionFormatterCapabilities(bulletPoints: Map<Class<out IBulletPointIdentifier>, String>, assertionFormatterFacade: IAssertionFormatterFacade, objectFormatter: IObjectFormatter, translator: ITranslator): Unit
Registers all available IAssertionFormatters -- which put assertion pairs on the same line and report in text format (e.g. for the console) -- to the given assertionFormatterFacade.
Should at least support RootAssertionGroupType, IFeatureAssertionGroupType, IListAssertionGroupType, ISummaryAssertionGroupType and IExplanatoryAssertionGroupType.
- The bullet points used in reporting to prefix each IAssertion in
- The IAssertionFormatterFacade to which all IAssertionFormatters with
same line capabilities and text reporting should be registered.
- The formatter which is used to format objects other than IAssertions.
- The translator which is used to translate ITranslatable such as IBasicAssertion.description.