doc / ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.basic.contains.creators / ContainsAssertionCreator / createAssertionGroup


fun createAssertionGroup(plant: AssertionPlant<T>, searchCriterion: S, otherSearchCriteria: Array<out S>): AssertionGroup

Creates an AssertionGroup representing the sophisticated contains assertion for the given plant based on the given searchCriterion and possibly otherSearchCriteria (might be empty).

The search process as such is usually influenced by a SearchBehaviour which defines the search behaviour and Checkers are used to create Assertions based on a determined search result which are grouped together into an AssertionGroup. This resulting AssertionGroup represents the sophisticated contains assertion as a whole.


plant - The plant -- or rather its subject -- for which the AssertionGroup is created. searchCriterion - A search criterion. otherSearchCriteria - Other search criteria (might also be empty).

The newly created AssertionGroup.