doc / / enthaeltNichtDieStandardUebersetzungVon


fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.enthaeltNichtDieStandardUebersetzungVon(expected: Translatable, vararg otherExpected: Translatable): AssertionPlant<T> (source)
Deprecated: Most probably only used by Atrium itself; will be made internal with 1.0.0

Makes the assertion that AssertionPlant.subject does not contain expected's getDefault representation and neither one of the otherExpected's getDefault representation (if given).

It is a shortcut for enthaeltNicht.standardUebersetzungVon(expected, *otherExpected).


AssertionError - Might throw an AssertionError if the assertion made is not correct.

This plant to support a fluent API.