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Contains @Deprecated builders, use the builders from package creating, will all be removed with 1.0.0



open class IterableContainsAtLeastCheckerBuilder<out E, out T : Iterable<E>> : AtLeastCheckerOptionImpl<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>, IterableContainsCheckerBuilder<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>

Represents the deprecated builder of a contains at least check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.


open class IterableContainsAtMostCheckerBuilder<out E, out T : Iterable<E>> : AtMostCheckerOptionImpl<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>, IterableContainsCheckerBuilder<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>

Represents the deprecated builder of a contains at least once but at most check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.


open class IterableContainsButAtMostCheckerBuilder<out E, out T : Iterable<E>> : ButAtMostCheckerOptionImpl<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>, IterableContainsCheckerBuilder<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>

Represents the deprecated builder of the second step of a contains at least but at most check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.


open class IterableContainsExactlyCheckerBuilder<out E, out T : Iterable<E>> : ExactlyCheckerOptionImpl<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>, IterableContainsCheckerBuilder<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>

Represents the deprecated builder of a contains exactly check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.


open class IterableContainsNotCheckerBuilder<out E, out T : Iterable<E>> : NotCheckerOptionImpl<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>, IterableContainsCheckerBuilder<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>

Represents the deprecated builder of a contains not at all check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.


open class IterableContainsNotOrAtMostCheckerBuilder<out E, out T : Iterable<E>> : NotOrAtMostCheckerOptionImpl<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>, IterableContainsCheckerBuilder<E, T, InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour>

Represents the deprecated builder of a contains not or at most check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for Iterable.