doc / / containsStrictly


infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(expected: E): AssertionPlant<T> (source)
Deprecated: Use `containsStrictly NullableValue` from package en_GB or `containsStrictly` from package en_GB in case you do not deal with nullable elements; will be removed with 1.0.0

Makes the assertion that AssertionPlant.subject contains only the expected value.

It is a shortcut for to contain inGiven order but only value expected


AssertionError - Might throw an AssertionError if the assertion made is not correct.

This plant to support a fluent API.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(values: Values<E>): AssertionPlant<T> (source)
Deprecated: Use `containsStrictly NullableValues` from package en_GB or `containsStrictly` from package en_GB in case you do not deal with nullable elements; will be removed with 1.0.0

Makes the assertion that AssertionPlant.subject contains only the expected values in the defined order.

It is a shortcut for to contain inGiven order but only the Values(...)


AssertionError - Might throw an AssertionError if the assertion made is not correct.

This plant to support a fluent API.

infix fun <E, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(objects: Objects<E>): AssertionPlant<T> (source)
Deprecated: Will be removed with 1.0.0 because it is redundant in terms of `containsStrictly Values(expected, otherExpected)` without adding enough to be a legit alternative.

Makes the assertion that AssertionPlant.subject contains only the expected objects in the defined order.

It is a shortcut for to contain inGiven order but only the Objects(...)


AssertionError - Might throw an AssertionError if the assertion made is not correct.

This plant to support a fluent API.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(assertionCreator: Assert<E>.() -> Unit): AssertionPlant<T> (source)
Deprecated: Use pendant from package en_GB; will be removed with 1.0.0

Makes the assertion that AssertionPlant.subject contains only one entry which is holding the assertions created by the assertionCreator.

It is a shortcut for to contain inAny order atLeast 1 entry { ... }


AssertionError - Might throw an AssertionError if the assertion made is not correct.

This plant to support a fluent API.

infix fun <E : Any, T : Iterable<E>> Assert<T>.containsStrictly(entries: Entries<E, Assert<E>.() -> Unit>): AssertionPlant<T> (source)
Deprecated: Use pendant from package en_GB; will be removed with 1.0.0

Makes the assertion that AssertionPlant.subject contains only an entry holding the assertions created by the Entries.assertionCreator and an additional entry for each Entries.otherAssertionCreators (if given) in the defined order holding the assertions created by them.

It is a shortcut for to contain inGiven order but only the Entries(...)


AssertionError - Might throw an AssertionError if the assertion made is not correct.

This plant to support a fluent API.