doc / / toBe


infix fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.toBe(expected: T): AssertionPlant<T> (source)

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is (equal to) expected.

This method might enforce in the future, that expected has to be the same type as Assert.subject. Currently the following is possible: assert(1).toBe(1.0)


AssertionError - Might throw an AssertionError if the assertion made is not correct.

This plant to support a fluent API.

infix fun <T : Any> Assert<T>.toBe(keyword: Keyword): Nothing (source)
Deprecated: This call will most probably fail at runtime because the given subject is not a collection as you might have assumed. If you really want to compare the subject against the keyword, then cast the keyword to Any

fun <T> toBe(plant: AssertionPlantNullable<T>, void: Void?): Unit (source)
Deprecated: Use the extension function, will be removed with 1.0.0

inline infix fun <reified T : Any> AssertionPlantNullable<T?>.toBe(expected: T?): Unit (source)

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject is expected.


AssertionError - Might throw an AssertionError if the assertion made is not correct.

Does not support a fluent API because: what else would you want to assert about null anyway?

infix fun <T : CharSequence> Assert<T>.toBe(Empty: Empty): AssertionPlant<T> (source)

Makes the assertion that the Assert.subject CharSequence.kotlin.text.isEmpty.


Empty - Has to be Empty.


AssertionError - Might throw an AssertionError if the assertion made is not correct.

This plant to support a fluent API.