doc / / ExactlyCheckerOptionImpl


open class ExactlyCheckerOptionImpl<out T : CharSequence, out S : SearchBehaviour> : ExactlyCheckerOptionBase<T, S>, ExactlyCheckerOption<T, S> (source)
Deprecated: Do not rely on this type; will be made internal with 1.0.0

Represents the builder of a contains exactly check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.


T - The input type of the search.

S - The search behaviour which should be applied for the input of the search.



ExactlyCheckerOptionImpl(times: Int, containsBuilder: Builder<T, S>)

Represents the builder of a contains exactly check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.

Inherited Properties


open val checkers: List<Checker>

Contains all Checkers which should be applied to the search result.


val containsBuilder: Builder<T, S>

The previously used CharSequenceContains.Builder.


val times: Int

The number which the check will compare against the actual number of times an expected object is found in the input of the search.

Extension Functions


fun <T : CharSequence, S : SearchBehaviour> CheckerOption<T, S>.addAssertion(assertion: Assertion): AssertionPlant<T>

Helper method to simplify adding assertions to the plant which itself is stored in CharSequenceContains.CheckerOption.containsBuilder.



open class CharSequenceContainsExactlyCheckerBuilder<out T : CharSequence, out S : SearchBehaviour> : ExactlyCheckerOptionImpl<T, S>, CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<T, S>

Represents the deprecated builder of a contains exactly check within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion for CharSequence.