doc / / ContainsCheckerBuilder


interface ContainsCheckerBuilder<out T : Any, out S : SearchBehaviour, out C : Checker, out B : Builder<T, S>> : CheckerOption<T, S, C, B> (source)
Deprecated: Use the interface Contains.CheckerOption instead; will be removed with 1.0.0

Represents the deprecated base class for builders representing a checking step in the process of building a sophisticated contains assertion.


T - The type of the AssertionPlant.subject.

S - The type of the current Contains.SearchBehaviour.

C - The type of the checkers in use (typically a sub interface of Contains.Checker).

B - The concrete type of the builder representing the entry point of the process of building a sophisticated contains assertion.

Inherited Properties


abstract val checkers: List<C>

Contains all Checkers which should be applied to the search result.


abstract val containsBuilder: B

The previously chosen Builder, containing inter alia the AssertionPlant to which the resulting Assertion shall be added.



interface CharSequenceContainsCheckerBuilder<out T : CharSequence, out S : SearchBehaviour> : ContainsCheckerBuilder<T, S, Checker, Builder<T, S>>, CheckerOption<T, S>

The deprecated base class for builders which create CharSequenceContains.Checkers within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion which was started with the given containsBuilder.


interface IterableContainsCheckerBuilder<out E, out T : Iterable<E>, out S : SearchBehaviour> : ContainsCheckerBuilder<T, S, Checker, Builder<E, T, S>>, CheckerOption<E, T, S>

The deprecated base class for builders which create IterableContains.Checkers within the fluent API of a sophisticated contains assertion which was started with the given containsBuilder.