doc / ch.tutteli.atrium.assertions.iterable.contains.creators / IterableContainsInAnyOrderOnlyAssertionCreator


abstract class IterableContainsInAnyOrderOnlyAssertionCreator<E, T : Iterable<E?>, SC> : Creator<T, SC> (source)
Deprecated: Please open an issue if you used this class; will be removed with 1.0.0

Represents the base class for in any order only assertion creators and provides a corresponding template to fulfill its responsibility.


T - The type of the AssertionPlant.subject for which the contains assertion is be build.

SC - The type of the search criteria.



IterableContainsInAnyOrderOnlyAssertionCreator(searchBehaviour: IterableContainsInAnyOrderOnlySearchBehaviour)

Represents the base class for in any order only assertion creators and provides a corresponding template to fulfill its responsibility.



abstract fun createAssertionForSearchCriterionAndRemoveMatchFromList(searchCriterion: SC, list: MutableList<E?>): <ERROR CLASS><Boolean, Assertion>


fun createAssertionGroup(plant: AssertionPlant<T>, searchCriterion: SC, otherSearchCriteria: Array<out SC>): AssertionGroup
fun createAssertionGroup(plant: AssertionPlant<T>, searchCriteria: List<SC>): AssertionGroup



class IterableContainsInAnyOrderOnlyEntriesAssertionCreator<E : Any, T : Iterable<E?>> : IterableContainsInAnyOrderOnlyAssertionCreator<E, T, AssertionPlant<E>.() -> Unit>

Represents a creator of a sophisticated contains assertions for Iterable where exactly the expected entries have to appear in the Iterable but in any order -- an entry is identified by holding a group of assertions created by an assertion creator lambda.


class IterableContainsInAnyOrderOnlyObjectsAssertionCreator<E, T : Iterable<E?>> : IterableContainsInAnyOrderOnlyAssertionCreator<E, T, E>

Represents a creator of a sophisticated contains assertions for Iterable where exactly the expected entries have to appear in the Iterable but in any order -- an entry is identified by an expected object (equality comparison).