interface BaseAssertionPlant<out T, out A : BaseAssertionPlant<T, A>>
Represents a plant for Assertions and offers methods to addAssertions to this plant.
It defines what AssertionPlant and AssertionPlantNullable have in common. However it is typically not used as
entry point for assertion functions. Most of the time you want to define an assertion function for AssertionPlant,
Assert respectively (Assert is a typealias
of AssertionPlant).
- The type of the subject of this BaseAssertionPlant.
- A subtype of BaseAssertionPlant which is used in the fluent style API and as self type.
abstract val subject: T
The subject for which this plant will create Assertions. |
abstract val subjectProvider: () -> T
The provider which provides subject. |
abstract fun addAssertion(assertion: Assertion): A
Adds the given assertion to this plant. |
interface AssertionPlant<out T : Any> : BaseAssertionPlant<T, AssertionPlant<T>>
Represents a plant for Assertions based on a non nullable subject. |
interface AssertionPlantNullable<out T> : BaseAssertionPlant<T, AssertionPlantNullable<T>>
Represents an assertion plant for nullable types. |
interface BaseCollectingAssertionPlant<out T, out A : BaseAssertionPlant<T, A>, out C : BaseCollectingAssertionPlant<T, A, C>> : BaseAssertionPlant<T, A>
Represents a BaseAssertionPlant which is intended to serve as receiver object for lambdas which create Assertions, in which this assertion plant collects the so created assertions. |
interface BaseReportingAssertionPlant<out T, out A : BaseAssertionPlant<T, A>> : BaseAssertionPlant<T, A>, AssertionPlantWithCommonFields<T>
Represents a plant for Assertions and offers methods to addAssertions to this plant. |