doc / / AnyTypeTransformationFailureHandlerFactoryBuilder


object AnyTypeTransformationFailureHandlerFactoryBuilder : FailureHandlerFactory (source)

Delegates inter alia to the implementation of FailureHandlerFactory. In detail, it implements FailureHandlerFactory by delegating to failureHandlerFactory which in turn delegates to the implementation via loadSingleService.



fun <S : Any, T : Any> newExplanatory(): <ERROR CLASS>

Creates a AnyTypeTransformation.FailureHandler which wraps subsequent assertions into an AssertionGroup with an ExplanatoryAssertionGroupType so that the user of Atrium can see in error reporting what one wanted to assert additionally.


fun <S : Any, T : Any> newExplanatoryWithHint(showHint: () -> Boolean, failureHintFactory: () -> Assertion): <ERROR CLASS>

Creates a AnyTypeTransformation.FailureHandler which wraps subsequent assertions into an AssertionGroup with an ExplanatoryAssertionGroupType so that the user of Atrium can see in error reporting what one wanted to assert additionally -- moreover it includes a hint about the subject which shall only be shown if showHint evaluates to true in which case the given failureHintFactory should be used to create the hint.