doc / ch.tutteli.atrium.api.fluent.en_GB / atLeast


fun <T : CharSequence, S : CharSequenceContains.SearchBehaviour> CharSequenceContains.Builder<T, S>.atLeast(times: Int): AtLeastCheckerOption<T, S>

Restricts a contains assertion by specifying that the number of occurrences of the value which we are looking for occurs at least number of times within the search input.


times - The number which the check will compare against the actual number of times an expected value is found in the input of the search.


IllegalArgumentException - In case times is smaller than zero.

IllegalArgumentException - In case times equals to zero; use containsNot instead.

The newly created builder.

fun <E, T : Iterable<E>, S : InAnyOrderSearchBehaviour> IterableContains.Builder<E, T, S>.atLeast(times: Int): AtLeastCheckerOption<E, T, S>

Restricts a contains assertion by specifying that the number of occurrences of the entry which we are looking for occurs at least number of times within the Iterable.


times - The number which the check will compare against the actual number of times an expected entry is found in the Iterable.


IllegalArgumentException - In case times is smaller than zero.

IllegalArgumentException - In case times equals to zero; use containsNot instead.

The newly created builder.