doc / / ArgumentToNullOrMapperBuilder


class ArgumentToNullOrMapperBuilder<T : Any>

Builder to map variable length arguments formulated as (first: T, vararg others : T) to something else.

Its usage is intended to turn the nullable argument type of the given argumentMapperBuilder into its non-nullable type if the argument is not null in order that the non-nullable type can be used/passed to function which expect a non-nullable type.



ArgumentToNullOrMapperBuilder(argumentMapperBuilder: ArgumentMapperBuilder<T?>)

Builder to map variable length arguments formulated as (first: T, vararg others : T) to something else.



val argumentMapperBuilder: ArgumentMapperBuilder<T?>



fun <R : Any> toAssert(assertionCreator: Assert<R>.(T) -> Unit): Pair<(Assert<R>.() -> Unit)?, Array<(Assert<R>.() -> Unit)?>>

Maps each argument to null if it is already null and if not, then to an AssertionPlantNullable<R> lambda with receiver by using the given assertionCreator (passing in the argument).


fun <R : Any> toExpect(assertionCreator: Expect<R>.(T) -> Unit): Pair<(Expect<R>.() -> Unit)?, Array<(Expect<R>.() -> Unit)?>>

Maps each argument to null if it is already null and if not, then to an Expect<R> lambda with receiver by using the given assertionCreator (passing in the argument).